[?]rce heat of last week has been succeeded by [?]d rain, lasting throughout part of Sunday [?]ay. The weather is now fine, clear, and a [?]ing in the air. ...
Article : 350 words[?] Gum Flat between [?]angrove cricket club [?] an easy win for the [?]s and 30 runs, chiefly ...
Article : 560 wordsA curious dispute has arisen in England on this question. During several months past, there have been several flood times in the m[?]dland counties of England, taking Lincoln ...
Article : 338 wordsWheat, per bushel, 3s 3d to 3s 6d; maize, do., 2s 6d to 2s 9d; hay, lucerne and wheaten, per ton, £2 to £2 5s; do. oaten do., £2 10s to £3; potatoes, per cwt., 6s to 7s; onions, do., 10s to 12s; tob[?]cco, in ...
Article : 101 wordsWool.—By the incoming mail we are in receipt of London catalogues giving result of first few days' sale, the prices realised cannot be regarded as satisfactory, as in many instances t[?]ey show figures lower ...
Article : 439 wordsAt Bundarra, on the 31st day of March, 1881, from Toryburn, by Mr. R. Blaxland; sum due at date of notice, 10s each:- Bay horse, star and snip, off front foot and hind ...
Article : 471 wordsThe opening of the tramway to Waverley took place to-day. A meeting of Italian residents was held last night to express appreciation of the kindness displayed ...
Article : 780 wordsA bulletin issued at midnight, states that the Earl of Beaconsfield's health is more favourable; he has enjoyed better rest, and is beginning to regain strength. ...
Article : 173 wordsThe following weights have been declared for the principal handicaps at the meeting of the Jerry's Plains Jockey Club, which takes place on Easter Monday, April 8: ...
Article : 247 words{No abstract available}
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