The Equity Trustees Company Limited is applying for probate of the will of Joseph Carter, late of ployee, who died on November 12. The assets ure (morn at 1,072, cotmistlmr of rral estate 750 nuil neisoiial estate 322. Subject to a life cslutc to lils widow anil a legacy, of 100 to his Elster, testator liceucam lus estate lo his son. ...
Article : 71 wordsAs the result of a lamentable accident on Burtwood-road, Hawthorn, on Saturday morning, Dr. Emily Mary Page Stone died early yesterday morning from the effects of ...
Article : 337 wordsPrince Leopold, the second son of Princess Henry of Battenburg, and cousin of King George, on his arrival at the Outer Harbour, Adelaide, in the R.M.S. Omrah, from England, was met by Lord Rii'linril Nevill, private secretary lo tile GovernorGeneral, and Captain Fletcher, A.D.O. to tlio Governor of South Australia, Sir Day Bosanquet. He visited Government-house, nnd resumed his voyage lo Sydney in the evening. l ' An order-in-Coiineil was Higncd by the Governor (Sir Thomas Gib=oii-Carmichaol) on Saturday, for the appointment of Mr. Fitzpatrick as chairman of the Railway Commissioners, at a salary of 2,750 a year. Mr. Tail, the retired chairman, rocciveel 3,500 a your. v Detective-Inspector Christie, of Hie Vic torian Customs depuilmenl, intends re tiring from the service ni the end of Ulis month,^ after n long and meritorious enrcer. TTc has been in Hie ervicc of Hie Stute prnclicnlly nil his life, and became connected with the Customs in 1884. < His retirement talcos jilace til.the 'age of 05 years, but he is still an active, energetic man. When offered the usual leave, prior lo hi" retirement, he ilrclincil lo tnkc it, and said.that he pre ferred to work up lo the lost minute of his connection with the service. Owing to ill-health Mr. W. Knox has been compelled lo lesign his position as ii direc tor of the Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Company. Mr. Knox was one of the original syndicate that bought the Mount Lyell mine, which had previously been- in the liiuuls of Tasmanian owners, nnd hud been worked for gold. Consequently, Mr. Knox lins been associated with the company as one of its director.? since Jnnuury, 23, 1892, when tlio first Victorian company was registered. Throughout he 1ms been an active hicmbcr of Hie board, and has been closely associated with Hie carrying through of the various important schemes of the undertaking. One special service Hint Mr. Knox rendered to the comjiany whs in securing. Hie services' of Mr. Robert Sticht as general manager, during a visit paid to the 'United Stales to obtain a metallurgist trained in the t ita I ni cn I of jivrilic oro.' Mr. Knox's successor is Mr. E. Neale Wigg, who for years has been a l.ugc shareholder in the Mount Lyell Coni]niiiy, and who, as the result of a long connection willi the Broken Hill Pro prietary and other Barrier companies, has lind nn extensive experience in the manage ment of large mining oncerns. Regret will be felt in Parlinmenlnry e riles nt the announcement of Hie death of Jlr. IT. Beard. M.H.R., which look place yesterday nt Miss Lyon's private hospital, Brunswick-street, Fitzroy. Mr. Beard hail indifferent health for nearly three months, and was not able to attend Parlia ment during recent sittings. On one occa sion,.when an absolute majority was re quired for a Constitutional Alteration Bill, "Sir. Bearii was driven to the House lo re cord his vote. On Tuesday last Mr. Beard was removed to the hospital lo undergo a serious operation, which was performed on Wednesday by Dr. Murray Morton, assisted by Dr. Crivelli and Dr. M'lnerney. Mr. Bonni has been associated with Labour poli ties for many years, und held the Tika Jika scat in the Legislative Assembly from 1004 till 1007. This year ho contested Batman in Hie interests of his party, and was re turned by an overwhelming ma'orily. His speeches were characterised by moderation in tone, and he exhibited towards his oppo nents a uniform courtesy, which reflected, a very kindly disposition. The funeral will take place to-morrow. The Righi Rev. Edward Cridge, Bishop of Hie Victoria Reformed Episcopal Church, Vancouver (our correspondent cables), cele brated his 03rd birthday on Saturday. Dr. fridge, who has been in the ministry for CO years, was, in 18.*4, appointed chaplain lo the Hudson's Bay Company, and district minister of Victoria, Vancouver, Ile was appointed bishop in 1870.. He i no.-longer takes an active part in the ministry. Mr. Hugh J. Ward brought his' season to u close al the Theatre Royal, Adelaide, on Saturday. In response to the dcmanel for a speech, ho said that he was not going to act any more. He was going to become associated with a firm which he regarded as having made the Australian stage.. The standard of the firm, if possible, was going to be higher in the future than in the past. Mr. >T. O. Williamson's career had been beautiful, and lie had assisted Australian artists ina wonderful way. At the recent Trinity College exuminn1 ions at Benalla the gold medal was awarded lo Miss Beryl Barclay, who gained high honours in Hie senior (advanced) grade pianoforte, under Henry SI. George's exami nation. She won the Prahran and Williams town competitions in 1000 (under 10), and is now 12 years of age." She is a pupil of Mr. Hurtle Wigg, Wangaratta. She has also won prizes awarded by Herr De Chaneet, Herr B. Wendlandl, Professor Ives, lfcrr Constantine, Mr. Xickscn, and the late Mr. Robson. Our London correspondent writes on No vember l8:-"The friends of Mr. A. E. Wallis, the London manager of the Bank of Victoria, will learn with regret of the eleath of his wife, which occurred at Ealing on the 13th hist., after an illness of several months." Among (he names of Ihc successful candieli'tes for the final examination of the degree of Bachelor of Laws nt the Melbourne Universily this year appears that of Mr. Frank Maldon Robb, who 20 months ago resigned his ministerial slain and Hie pastoral charge of Chu liners Church, Launceston, to sludv for the bar. Mr. Robb.etiil two yeurs of Hie LL.B. course in Hie University of Tasmania and his final year here. For some years Mr. Robb was minister of St. Leo nard's Presbyterian Church, Brighton Beach. The Rev..T. P. M'Cann. president of Hie Methodist conference, will be absent finiii town for a fortnight.. Mr. Tolin Baragwanath, of South Mel bourne, has been elected niiopnoscd as iciiresenfativo member of Hie Board of Public Health for 1 hi South Ynrr.i group nf municipalities, until the end of the year 1011, in place of Mr. F. G. Wood, re signed. ...
Article : 1,045 wordsGEELONG, Sunday.—A fishing party, consisting of F. J. Bennell (councillor of Geelong West), Bert Bennell (visitor from Queensland), and Edward Blackney had a ...
Article : 213 wordsWirth's-park was crowded on Saturday with people eager to see the theatrical carnival, which had been organised in aid of the Distressed Actors' Fund. The park was ...
Article : 713 wordsBUNYIP, Sunday.—At the Berwick Shire Council meeting on Saturday, Councillor G. W. Martin complained about the scarcity of labour throughout the shire, and pointed out that five contracts were advertised to be opened that day, und for three of Hie works no tender was icceiycd. He moved that the council advertise in the metropoli tan papers, ns the works were urgent. PAKENHAM, Saturday.- At the shire meeting to-day Councillor G. W. Martin called attention to the scarcity of labour in the shiie. Nine contracts lind been ad vertised, and only two tenders recoived. ...
Article : 96 wordsAs a result of the abolition of the interstate certificate system the border Customs stations are to be closed. The order authorising the closing of the stations issued by ...
Article : 72 wordsSHEPPARTON, Saturday.—Three of the eight families which came to Shepparton a few days ago returned to Melbourne by Saturday morning's train, with the object of obtaining a refund of their deposits (3/11/ euch) for the two-acre blocks on the closer settlement registered in their names. They complain that the blocks ure unsuitable for their purpose, being too far away from Hie town, and without shelter of any kind. The heads of the families ulso state that, though willing to work on farms, they have been unable lo obtain employment, for which they had applied Iii rough Seniorconslablc Kennedy, the officer in charge of the local Government labour bureau. One man, who was offered!i/ it day at a store in Shepparton, with employment for his wife as a general boiyiint in a hotel close by, replied thal he did not come out to Australia with (he object of reducing wages or to muke his wife work. A stronglooking lad from Buckinghamshire, aged 16 years, was offered 0/ a week as it "general useful" al a residence, and declined to ac cept the position. One of the mon is 26 years of age, a motor driver by orcupalion, married, but without children. The second is 30 years o'f age, a nurseiymau, married, with one child. The third is also a nurseryman, aged 34, married,.with one child. The remaining five families have de cided to(settle on their blocks. All these persons came to Victoria by the s.S. Norse man..,r ' ...
Article : 259 wordsBALLARAT, Saturday.—Euphemia Ritchie a child 5 years of age, was taken to the hospital this morning by Constable King, to be treated for extensive burns on ...
Article : 179 words{No abstract available}
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 43 wordsThe Master of Elibank, chief Ministerial whip, states that he has the authority of Mr. Asquith for announcing that the Government proposes to introduce a bill for ...
Article : 38 wordsLord Selborne, in an election speech in the St. Andrew's district constituency, on Thursday night, referring to the Parliament Bill, said the House of Lords would not ...
Article : 66 wordsAnother instance of the severe effect of the license fees levied under Mr. Lloyd-George's Budget is brought under notice by the report of the big brewing concern, ...
Article : 80 wordsThe dramatic recital of "How M'Dougall Topped the Score" told by the Australian poet, Thomas E. Spencer, has been a popular number at smoke concerts, and the ...
Article : 281 wordsThe following alterations have been made in the Christmas dates for the "Australia at Work" tour. The Bendigo season has been postponed until after the holidays:— ...
Article : 46 wordsThe next witness was Mr. Bennett, who was third officer of the Waratah on her maiden voyage. He said that there was nothing extraordinary in the behaviour of the vessel. She listed four or five degrees. He left her because he was promoted to another vessel. Mr. P. N. Laing, K.C. (for the Board of TrndeL-Dill you ever tell anyone that you left because of some forthcoming al terations, which would lake two months to complete? Witness.-No. A Lady fin Hie body of the court).-Yes, yes; you told me and my husband. The interjeetor was Mrs. Gibbs, mother of a passenger by the Waratah on her last trip. Her husband afterwards emphatically slated that he liad understood Mr. Bennett to say that the Waratah was going to be laid up for two months for alterations. Mr. Bennett repeateel his statement that Mr. and His. Gibbs weie mistaken. Mr. 8. J". P. Theiule. chief surveyor of Lloyds, stated that the War.ilah was tho roughly well constructed niid a strong ship. A former stevvurel on the Waratah, named Herbert declared thal he had left the vessel because he disliked her rolling and terrific creaking. He liad called the attention of the engineer lo the movement of the jiromenadc deck. The whole structura moved bodily alhvvuit the ship. Some bolt heads broke olf, ns the result of this movement, and the woodwork round Hie saloon door was separated from the ironwork to the extent of a couple of inches. Professor William Henry Bragg, who has filled the chair of mathuniatics and physics al the University of Leeds since 1008, and was a passenger by the Waratah on her maiden voyage, said thal his impression was thal the vessel's metacentro was slightly below the centre of gravity when the vessel was upright. The Waratah's list was a- continued subject of conversation on boards Captain Ilbery was asked if he could ilo anything.. Something was elone, and the ship came upright, then fell lo the other side. Witness was alarmed, but the chief engineer reassured bim. Witness asked the captain if he had the stability curves, but they were not on board. A junior engineer informed witness that the Waratah was Hie ship lie had ever known. ...
Article : 379 wordsCaptain Bruce, of the steamer Harlow, who shortly after the disappearance of the vessel made a report which suggested that the Waratah had been blown up, recounted ...
Article : 267 wordsDoubt is cast upon the statement from East London, Cape Colony, to the effect that a deck chair, marked "Waratah," had been washed ashore at Coffee Cove, to the ...
Article : 81 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 24 wordsThe Board of Trade inquiry into the loss of the s.s. Waratah was continued yesterday. It was presided over by Mr. John Dickinson, metropolitan police magistrate, with whom weie the" following assessors:-Ad miral li. Ii. VI. Davis (retiied); Commander Lvon, of the Naval Reserve; Professor AVelch, and Mr. J. 11. Hallet.. The Board of Trade, the owners of the vessel, her builders, und lelntives of passengers, were all rcpiesented by counsel. Mr. F. N". Laing, K.C., appeared on be half of the Board of Trade. Mr. Peck, director of Barclay, Curie, and Co. Limited, of Glasgow, the builders of the vessel, stated that the owners had not made nny complaint respecting the be haviour of Hie Waratah on her first voyage. Tiley did complain icgarding ability lo shift the vessel ftom one dock to another with out ballast. He convinced them that her stability equalled that of the Geelong, an other of the company's vessels. Admiral Davis sharply cross-examined Mr. Peek as to why there had been no in vestigation of Captain llbery's complaints. C.iptain Clarke, emigration oflicer, gave evidence that Captain Ilbery, of Hie Wara tah, after her first voyage, said that she was a veiy satisfactory vessel. His exact words were:-"She's a very handy ship." Mr. Ciluud G. Sawyer, ii passenger, who left the W11 nil ali al Durban, slated that the vessel rollcel heavily after leaving Ade laide. Several passengers were injured tluough fulling on deck in consequence of the lolling. She had 11 jerky roll, and a slow iccovciy. Ho dreamt on three sepa rate occasions that he saw a mau witli a long sword, and thal the Waratah was struck by a roller and disappeared. This decided him lo leave the vessel at Durban. He eonsidcrcel that she was lop-heavy. In reply to further questions, Hie wit ness sail! that he Waratah, lind a big list lo port when leaving Melbourne. When going through disturbed water she wobbled a great deal, ilion took it list to staiboard, anil remained there a very long timo. Once she heeled over while witness was on the boat deck until the water showed beneath him. While iccovering the AVaratah often made a peculiar jerk. Several passengers who had been Hu own to Hie deck and in jured discussed Hie vessel's lol! of 4.7deg. viith an officer, who rc'ilicd:-"The builders have seen lo the roll. It is all light." Wit ness henni the third and fouitli officeis, hpeaking at Adelaide, express the opinion thal flic Warulah was top-heavy. ...
Article : 435 wordsSYDNEY, Sunday.—At 2 o'clock on Friday morning Otto Camphin started off on his 35-45-h.p. car to attempt to break the record, standing at 19 hours 47 minutes, ...
Article : 66 wordsThe lowest and highest prices on the Stock E tioned were as follow:— Ivanhoe, £6/12/6—£6/17/6. Lake Me, U/4-lj/7 ...
Article : 35 wordsThe Queensland Investment and Land Mortgage Company, for the year ending June 30, have carried £2,500 to reserve, leaving a balance of £61. A dividend at the rate of 2 pel cent, on the new ordinnry stock will be j).iid from the reserve. ...
Article : 48 wordsThe following are the Frozen Meat Trade Association's market quotations, based on actual sales of not less than 100 carcases of mutton or lamb or 25 quarters of beef of ...
Article : 467 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 23 wordsA notable address on the question of national armaments was delivered at the Peace Conference at Washington yesterday by Mr. Francis W. Hirst, editor of the ...
Article : 133 wordsThe Federal Council of the German Empire has assented to the constitution of Alsace-Lorraine, which was agreed to us the result of negotiations between the ...
Article : 185 wordsA number of men who took part in the lynching at Newark, Ohio, in July last of an anti-saloon detective have been brought to trial. The first conviction has ...
Article : 70 wordsThe Wellington coal pit, at Whitehaven, where a terrible disaster took place in May last, by which over 130 men wore entombed in the mine and cut off by fire from all ...
Article : 108 wordsThe young Australian billiard player, George Gray, yesterday concluded a match of 9,000 up against Duncan, in which his opponent was conceded 2,000 points. The ...
Article : 50 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 74 wordsA burglary in a jeweller's shop in Houndsditch was accompanied by sensational incidents. When surprised the burglars opened fire on the police, who had ...
Article : 325 wordsFighting has taken place between the insurgents and the Federal troops at Pedernales, in Mexico. The result has not yet been announced. ...
Article : 66 wordsThe fast growth of Western Canada was acknowledged by the Dominion Premier (Sir Wilfrid Laurier), in replying to a deputation of farmers from the western ...
Article : 138 wordsThe trail of M. Alberti, formerly Minister of Justice, who was arrested in September, 1908, on the charge of having defrauded the Zealand Peasants' Savings Bank, of which ...
Article : 76 wordsThe street-car system at Winnipeg is at a standstill, owing to a strike. The offer of University students to act as conductors in place of the strikers has been accepted. ...
Article : 41 wordsTrouble is threatened on the Canadian Pacific railway. Unless an increase of pay is granted to the engineers employed by the company, they will strike next week ...
Article : 33 wordsA novel scheme has been taken in hand by the United States Bureau of Mines. It is the intention of the bureau to operate a model mine at Pittsburg. ...
Article : 32 wordsAn anonymous offer of £5,000 has been made to a guarantee fund for an Imperial Exhibition in 1915, providing that £10,000 additional is guaranteed. ...
Article : 62 wordsGEELONG, Saturday.—A disturbance occurred to-night at the Princess Skating Rink, where a picture show was being given. It was announecd that free ...
Article : 130 wordsSince the beginning of the month the southern portion of England has been subject to persistent rains. Thirteen days out of the 16 have been wet, and during the whole of the month to date not three hours of sunshine has been enjoyed in London. The steady downpour bus caused ex tensive floods. Thousands of acres in the Upper Thames aud in West Sussex have been inundated, and vast areas in Hie mid lands are under water. On top of Hie floods terrific gales have been experienced on the south coast, and havoc has been wrought in many watering places.. The country side in Warwickshire is au inland sea, and stock hnve been swept away. The low^qyiug parts of Nottingham nre flooded. In some places on the Upper Thames the flood waters are 12ft. deep. The town of Langport, in Somersetshire, is cul off from nil communication. The gale which swept along the southern coast on Friday reached at times the velocity of 70 miles an hour. In several watering places the promenades were de stroyed, and the piers damuged. The sen swept over the water front of Hastings, on the Sussex coast, flooding hotels, shops, and houses in the principal squure. Waves burst over the esplanade at Portsmouth and flooded half of Soiilhsea common. Boats had to be used in Hie streets of Mon mouth and Cowes. A hurricane in the Bristol Channel caused extensive damage at Ilfracombe, on the Devonshire coast. All the shops on Hie promenade were invaded by the sea, and their contents destroyed. The walls of several houses were demolished. Many gal lant lifeboat rescues were carried out dur ing the storm. ' Throughout lust night violent gales con tinued in England and Wules. The Dover nnd Calais and the Dover and Ostcnd mail services were suspended. The protective works at Sclsey, on the Sussex coast, were swept away, and the pen instila was con verted into an island. Six fishermen were drowned at Arklow, an Irish seaport, on the.l coast of Wicklow.-'-. I ...
Article : 363 wordsOwing to the rising of the River Gaudalquivir, which is 28ft. above its normal level, great floods have occurred in the valley of the river. The feitile iiluins of the province of Se ville through which the Giudiilquivir runs aie a vast late tlio budge of boats at Alcala de t,nadan i a few miles from the citv of Seville broke fiom its mooting and three people who viere ciossmg at the time vieio drowned Hie flood waters reached lo viithin flin of the top of the embankment vi Inch had been aised for the protection of the city of Seville from floods The safctv of the eil} was duo to the efforts which Senoi Moimi the port engineer luis put forth since the floods of li jeiis igo ...
Article : 147 wordsThe east coast of the United States has been swept by a blizzard, the New England Sales being principally affected. On the coast of Massachusetts the lui banco liad disastrous lcsiills 1 ive schooners were ivteckeel and i baige foiiu dei eel while others utc udnft The full extent of the loss of life is not jet ascertainlblc but it is known that seven men hive been di owned ...
Article : 84 wordsAn unfortunate naval disaster has occurred at Harwich, on the east coast of England. The tender of the cruiser Thames came into collision with a submarine, and ...
Article : 50 wordsA severe earth movement is reported from Santa Clara, a town 38 miles south-east of San Francisco. Earthquake shocks lasting an hour were recorded. ...
Article : 36 wordsPERTH, Sunday.—An unusually fine record of an earthquake shock was made on the Perth seismograph on Tuesday evening. The main shock occurred at 8.20, gradually increasing in intensity until 8 25, when the maximum was recorded Shocks of moderate intcnsitj were occasionallv felt until 8 47, and thereafter small distill biinccs iflccled the instrument until just after mid night The Government astronomer savs that this may bo the earthquake which was icporled as having bioken cables off the coast of Zanzibar ...
Article : 87 wordsThe Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's new steamer Maloja has been launched at Belfast. Some time ago the Peninsular and ...
Article : 81 wordsSmall parcels of New Zealand frozen beef are being shipped regularly from London to Italy. ...
Article : 26 wordsRescue parties are fighting to reach the 10 men entombed in the Leyden Coal Company's mine, near Denver, Colorado. ...
Article : 25 wordsThe offer of the United States to provide a financial expert to advise the Chinese Government regarding the issue of a railway loan has been rejected. ...
Article : 31 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 52 wordsPERTH, Sunday.—The finding of the body of the murdered woman, Ethel Harris, buried beneath the floor of the smithy at Messrs. Hoskings and Co.'s foundry, has ...
Article : 972 wordsA disastrous motor-car accident occured at Brighton Beach about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, resulting in injury to four persons. ...
Article : 278 wordsSYDNEY, Saturday.—After a sitting which had lasted for 36 hours the Legislative Assembly adjourned this morning at 2 o'clock. By the application of the closure ...
Article : 100 wordsAt Half post 10.—Chamber business. Banco Court. (Before Mr. Justice A'Beckett.) At 10 O'Clock.—Howard Smith v. Tait (part ...
Article : 135 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 8 wordsADELAIDE, Sunday.—The Premier (Mr. Verran) has received from the Crown Law department a legal opinion regarding the position of the men concerned in the ...
Article : 761 wordsA special meeting of the Federated Carters' and Drivers' Union was held at the Trades-hall on Saturday, when £100 was voted to the wives and families of the ...
Article : 83 wordsPeace Sunday was observed at the Australian Church yesterday when, in the morning, Dr. Strong spoke from the text, "Come, let us abolish war," while in the ...
Article : 336 wordsWARRNAMBOOL, Sunday.—While the congregation at the Church of Christ was waiting for the preacher this morning he was lying dead within a few yards of the ...
Article : 161 wordsCOLAC, Saturday.—Speaking of the different education tests, Mr. R. Hamilton, head muster of the Colac Grammar School, yesterday said he would like to see ...
Article : 68 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 160 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 19 Dec 1910, Page 7
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