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Articles from page 13: Previous page Next page

  1. Do you know the answers? STATE QUIZ

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 161 words
  2. Mrs, Esther Carter, of Mandurah

    LIVING at Mandurah is Mrs. Esther Carter, a lady with a long and interesting memory of Western Australia, Mrs. ...

    Article : 224 words
  3. Alexander Forrest

    THE centenary of the birth of Alexander Forrest is on September 22. It is proposed to hold a simple ...

    Article : 34 words
  4. Natural History Mundarda

    ONE of the smallest of our marsupials is the Mundarda or Pigmy Possum. It looks very much like a mouse ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 343 words
  5. John Septimus Roe

    THE West Australian Historical Society has decided to go forward with a proposal to erect a statute to John ...

    Article : 38 words

    COVERED DAM: Wicherina Dam at Geraldton has the distnction of being probably the largest roofed dam in the world. Prior to World War II its 17 acres of asbestos roof made it the largest fiat-roofed structure of any sort in the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 122 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 21 words