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  2. The Lower Hunter Waterworks.

    We had an opportunity, last week[?] of[?] looking over the line of the waterworks, from the first taking the water from the river Hunter, to the spot where the receiving, ...

    Article : 1,101 words
  3. The Disastrous Fire in Newcastle.

    A still further addition to the long list of Newcastle conflagrations, took place early yesterday morning in Newcomen-street, closely adjoining the scene of the recent fire ...

    Article : 773 words
  4. Mining Permissions.

    The Minister of Mines has sent us a copy of the new regulations framed to meet objections recently made to the working of the 28th section of the Mining Act of 1874. ...

    Article : 531 words
  5. Largs School of Arts.

    The fourteenth half-yearly meeting of the members of the above institution was held in the hall on Thursday evening last. In the absence of the President, the Vice-president, ...

    Article : 2,324 words
  6. Queensland Stock Movements and State of the Country.

    Since my last the stock movements have been as follows:—1700 head of cattle, Messrs. Favenc and Brodie owners, have passed in charge of Mr. Hedley, bound for their ...

    Article : 1,855 words