THERE is little need, we suspect, to impress on the public the necessity for economy in the public expenditure, and for dispensing with every superfluous outlay, inasmuch as every ...
Article : 1,234 wordsTHE arrival of the Harlequin, on Saturday evening, put us in possession of Straits papers to the 17th May. The Hon. Sir W. Jeffcott, Recorder, and the ...
Article : 739 wordsIN "Sense v. Science," a reviewer of the Dublin Review makes merry over the bad drains and smoky chimneys which illustrate our progress in "science," and retrogression in ...
Article : 621 wordsThere has been a most barbarous murder committed at Port Wakefield during the past week. The supposed murderer was apprehended in town on last Saturday morning, and remanded by the Police Commissioner ...
Article : 609 wordsJames Yates, labourer, was charged with the wilful murder of a man, name unknown, at Port Wakefield, on or about the 24th instant. Inspector Alford deposed that he had that morning re ...
Article : 3,838 wordsJohn Gibb Scorgis, mate of the Alexander Harvey, was brought up charged with being concerned in aiding in the unshipping of 3 kegs of tobacco and 2 cases of cigars, on the 19th July, by which he had made himself liable to a ...
Article : 269 wordsAdjourned case front July 17. Account for wages due to complainant's son, £4 19s. 6d. Edward Smith stated that he had been living at defendant's house on the Gulf-road. Complainant's son lived ...
Article : 1,061 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Mon 29 Jul 1850, Page 3
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