"Appeal from the New South Wales Council of the Australasian Anti-Transportation League, to their fellow-subjects in Great Britain. "The New South Wales Council of the Australasian ...
Article : 3,086 wordsThe following correspondence between the above-named Society and the Colonial Government will doubtless be considered not only useful but opportune:— ...
Article : 1,800 wordsSir-I shall feel greatly obliged if you will inform me and many others, through your paper, whether the invention by Mr. Joyce, published in the Register some weeks ago, is likely to come into operation, for it appeared to me from ...
Article : 331 wordsYesterday, shortly after 1 o'clock, a meeting of the gentlemen opposed to the Goolwa railway scheme took place at the Exchange. J. Baker, Esq., M.L.C. having been called to the Chair ...
Article : 2,315 wordsLast evening the members of the "Court Happy Home" of the Order of Foresters met to celebrate their first anniversary. About 40 members sat down to a very excellent and substantial dinner provided by Mr. Packham, the ...
Article : 1,263 wordsSir—I shall be happy if you will allow me to give what information I can in answer to Mr. Phillips's enquiries on the above subject. The area of a 12-inch pipe is 113 inches, which ...
Article : 523 wordsSir—There appears to be a fatality attending almost all the attempts of the Colossi of Rhodes (Roads), alias Surveyor, alias Engineer, to mend the ways of the colony. The Great Road to the South, particularly between O'Halloran ...
Article : 307 wordsJane White was fined 5s. for being drunk, but in consideration of having been in custody since Saturday night the fine was remitted. Charley, a native of the Sydney District, and sometime ...
Article : 933 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tue 5 Aug 1851, Page 3
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