The North.—At Blinman on April 10 a fino shower abated the heat that had prevailed, and the nights arid mornings have since been cold. On different stations round Blinman lambing is ...
Article : 394 wordsWe regret to have to announce that the British steamer Barwon, sometimes stated at 367 tons and otherwise 419, in charge of Captain James C. Shoobert, was on the 3rd ...
Article : 1,185 wordsBy way of Normanton, Northern Queensland, interesting letters have come to hand per the mail steamer Rangatira from members of a Northern Territory party, who wrote from ...
Article : 334 wordsOn Wednesday April 12, the members for the District of Sturt—Messrs. W. Townsend, M.P., and J. Lindsay, M.P.—were entertained at a dinner held at the Pier Hotel. Between 60 and ...
Article : 4,710 wordsAbout 12 miles from Adelaide, on the Houghton-road, a short turn to tho right leads into what is familiarly known as the Highercombe Estate, in the centre of which ...
Article : 2,951 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Sat 22 Apr 1871, Page 4
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