It is a great and unique compliment to a man to have erected a public statue in his honor during his lifetime. That ...
Article : 403 wordsTHE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF BOULDER CITY, 1902. 1. E. [?] Powell (Town Clerk). 2. J. C. Keegan. 3. J. A. Hopkins (Mayor). 4. P. J. Lynch. 5. J. Orr. 6. A. J. Evans, 7. R. Thompson. 8. M. Rodda. 9. W. T. Rabbish. 10. A. Foote. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 51 wordsMR. CHAS H. GOODE, Adelaide. S.A. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 6 wordsThe following is the text of a statement read by Mr. Daglish, M.L.A., for Subiaco, in the Trades and Labor Congress last Saturday, with reference ...
Article : 884 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tue 16 Sep 1902, Page 19
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