Christopher Penglaze admitted he was drank, and his conduct disorderly, on Saturday night, in King William-street Fiard 5s. ...
Article : 1,040 wordsSamuel Newton, builder, Port Adelaide, appeared to the adjourned complaint of John Williams, for the non-payment of £13 5s., wages. The complainant asked for a further adjournment, as ...
Article : 1,142 wordsGeorge Westbrook was charged with being disorderly, in King William-street, on Monday evening. The apprehending constable stated that he was called to remove the prisoner from the Colonial Labour Office. He ...
Article : 72 wordsThe Heraldo of Madrid lately contained some information respecting the silver mines of Hiendenlaecina, in the province of Guadalajara. The principal vein, which is upwards of 400 yards in length and 123 in depth, is richer ...
Article : 145 wordsAccording to late accounts from America it appears that that these adventures, of which such extravagant expectations were entertained, leading to the formation of numerous companies, have turned out a complete tailure. Like the ...
Article : 79 wordsIn addition to their new Colchia (California), the United States authorities have discovered mines of quicksilver in the vicinity of the gold region, and the last advices mention that an immense mass of virgin Conner has been found near ...
Article : 183 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 360 wordsDuring the month of January, there were several destructive fires in England. One in New Square, Lincoln's Inn, occupied by a number of barristers and solicitors, which continued to burn for twelve hours, in ...
Article : 4,566 words{No abstract available}
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 23 May 1849, Page 4
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