THE tenders advertised for by the British Government and the East India Company, and to be put in on the 22nd May last, were very large, including 2000 tons deliverable at Gibraltar, 10,000 at Malta ...
Article : 242 wordsOn Monday afternoon, an accident, which had nearly proved fatal to the two young Messrs Wigley, happened .near Pelican Point. They had gone down the river in a waterman's boat, with the intention of boarding ...
Article : 485 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 145 wordsSaturday, September 22—The barque Lady Denison. 189 tons, Bowden, master, from Hobart Town. Passengers—Mrs Bowden one son and one daughter, John O'Callaghie, Miss Williamson, J Jones, and Master Williamson. ...
Article : 1,888 wordsLet no gratuity be issued to the second mate. Direct Captain Brewer's attention to the published statements made by the Indian's emigrants, and say that the present report is too meagre to be satisfactory, after the fulness of those statements. When did the Indian ...
Article : 91 wordsPresent—His Excellency aud all the hon. members, ex-cept the Advocate-General. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. THE REPORT OP THE SELECT COMMITTEE ...
Article : 453 wordsSay to Capt. Brewer, that Capt. Pain, of the Eliza, cannot be considered as bearing testimony on this occasion, for the obvious reason that he was not on board the Indian, and could bare no personal knowledge of the transactions complained of; and I can form no ...
Article : 92 wordsSir—I have the honour to inform you that since his Excellency wrote the Minute, on which was founded my previous letter to you of this date, on the case of the Indian, he has received the "Supplement" to the Adelaide Observer, dated this dar. which purports to ...
Article : 127 wordsSir—I have the honor to forward the following replies to the ques-tions put to me in your letter of yesterday's date:— 1. On what day did the Indian arrive? Answer.—The Indian arrived on the afternoon of Wednesday, the ...
Article : 287 wordsSir—I have the honour to report that a number of the immigrants of the Indian assembled in the school-room of the Native Location, on Monday last, to lay before me complaints against the surgeon and officers of that ship. ...
Article : 569 wordsSir— I bare the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 15th instant, accompanied by a copy of the "Supplement" to the Adelaide Observer of that day's date, in which is a Report of the Meeting held on the 10th instant, relative to the complaints of certain ...
Article : 3,840 wordsA "PLEA, for the Colonial Office," which lately appeared in the London Examiner, and which we republish below, can scarcely fail to impress upon English and Colonial readers, respectively, the ...
Article : 809 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 26 Sep 1849, Page 3
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