Robert Spearman, landlord of the "Mountain Hut," on the Glen Osmond road, and Matthew Violet, his servant, were charged on suspicion of robbing Donald McLean, of Strsthalbyn, of the sum of £76. ...
Article : 1,587 wordsJames Barber, labourer, upon pleading guilty to the charge of drunkenness, was fined 5s. His wife then stept forward, and said she was afraid to go out of doors, as the prisouer had threatened to kill her. ...
Article : 566 wordsJohn Waterhouse and Thomas Waterhouse, grocers, appeared upon the information of William Smith, town surveyor, for making an opening in the surface of the footway of Rundle-street. ...
Article : 2,129 words"It is a striking instance of the infatuation of those who in their desire to rivet the bigotry of the ignorant. use means which infallibly tend to spread utter unbelief amongst the educated.:—Mackintosh's works, [?] ...
Article : 3,827 wordsTuesday, Feb. 22 —The whaling barque Arab, P. E. Terry, master, from New Bedford, with 600 barrels of oil (300 black and 300 sperm) Came in for refreshment and provisions. Sailed 5th December, 1846, All on board well. ...
Article : 771 wordsM. P—,a dramatic author and journalist, has lately gone to the country to reside, leaving a lady in his house to receive his letters, and if necessary to reply for him. One morning a young man, respectably ...
Article : 342 wordsA novel mode of swindling (says the Brighton Herald) has been recently practised to some extent in this town, by which the humbler classes have been severe suffers. The property aimed at are the ...
Article : 150 wordsA person of Jewish caste, five feet six inches high, about forty years of age, of gentlemanly air, and showily dressed, visited the Regent Hotel, Leamington, and after leaving a bag containing one hundred and ...
Article : 157 wordsThere exist on Long Island, near Brooklyn, several manufactories of milk—the process of which should he known. One of these dairies covers a space of 600 feet front by 300 feet deep, carefully ...
Article : 313 wordsOne of the most artful and clever swindlers is now in custody at Oxford. He first made his appearance under the assumed name of J. M. Brown, and ordered a special train to be kent in readiness to ...
Article : 627 wordsA market gardener, named Ambs, living at Gravesend, was lately robbed of between £40 and £50. Two well-dressed men had called at his shop under various pretences and on the day of the ...
Article : 159 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 23 Feb 1848, Page 3
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