"I will not discuss politics," said Mr. Watt, M.H.R.—News item from Sydney. We have had 'cm by the hundreds in our time; They blossom for a day, and are forgot; ...
Article : 2,284 wordsIn the strictly limited sense in which we are light-handed we are left-brainded. As I write these words with my right hand (writes "a doctor" in the "Daily Mail"), ...
Article : 500 wordsWhy do [?] and dogs appeal especially to the [?] of the human [?] Some [?] have even given a New year's party to [?] at Cricklewood ...
Article : 195 wordsLONDON, May 4.—Theatre prices are falling. Playgoers cannot afford 14/6, plus tax, for a stall, and have been staying away from the theatres in such numbers that ...
Article : 1,863 wordsOn May 20 appeared an article on the above subject, and which I would like to correct in one or two particulars. Mr. A.W. Greig says that "traditions vary ...
Article : 1,212 wordsA wonderful emerald green diammond has been found in the Bollmhof district (South Africa). When found it was a blackish stone of [?] carats, but after cutting it proved to ...
Article : 202 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 10 Jun 1922, Page 7
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