On Monday last, there was a very full meeting at Conciliation Hall, in consequence of the expected discussion between the Young and Old Ireland sections of the Repealers. The Lord Mayor took the ...
Article : 1,035 wordsSINKING OF A SUIP IN THE LONDON DOCKS.— On Sunday morning the barque Eweretta from Sydney, which was hauled into the London Docks the pre ceding night, sank in the great basin alongside the ...
Article : 650 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 952 wordsHAY—57 loads of hay were sold at this market, at 4l. 10s. to 5l. 10s. per ton. FODDER—3d. to 7d. per dozen. BEDDING—13 loads sold at 3s. 0d. to 4s. 0d. per ...
Article : 58 wordsMILCH Cows.—A mixed lot of 17 head sold at 40s. to 70s. per head. CALVES— 11s. to 18s. each. ...
Article : 22 wordsSALT BUTTER—25 cwt. of salt butter was disposed of at Is. 1d., 1s. 2d., and 1s. 3d. per lb. FRESH BUTTER—Is. 6d., 1s. 9d., and 2s. per lb. CHEESE—2 tons of cheese realised 5¼d., 5¾d, and ...
Article : 77 wordsNovember 18.—Hamlet, barque, 420 tons, Captain Wilson, from London the 20th July. Passengers—Mrs. Wilson son and servant, Miss Hill, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Spence, Mr. Parker, Mr. Bell, Mr. ...
Article : 279 wordsNovember 17.—Pocklington, barque, Captain Bolger, for the South Sea Fishery. 17.—Eliza Ann, American barque, Captain Chever, for Manila. ...
Article : 38 wordsNovember 19.—Terror, schooner, Captain Dunning, for Auckland. Passengers—Mrs. Jolly and Mr. J. Neal. 19.— Secret, schooner, Captain Boyle, for Tahiti. ...
Article : 31 wordsNovember 19.—Hamlet, barque, 420 tons, Captain Wilson, from London : 2 cases millinery, 4 casks oil, 7 bales paper, L. and S. Spyer; 3 cases cottons, A. Dreutler ; 40 boxes salmon, 50 casks ...
Article : 1,913 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 84 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,506 wordsThe Anti-Corn Law League is to be forthwith dissolved; but not wholly so until 1840, so as to be coeval with the entire repeal of the Corn Laws. This was resolved upon at a meeting at Manchester ...
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Sydney Chronicle (NSW : 1846 - 1848), Sat 21 Nov 1846, Page 3
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