Who here to night, when he was young, Beside his father's hearth, Has ne'er breath'd forth some patriot song, Some spirit of earth; ...
Article : 107 wordsMr. Ambrose Phillips, full of zeal in the cause of truth, to which he is an illustrious convert, has lately embraced the opportunity of giving utterance to his sentiments and his hopes on the subject of ...
Article : 667 wordsI walked with my friend, Mr. Whitely, to the church (that of the Benedictine Convent, Oporto,) at a late hour on Christmas eve. It was brilliantly illuminated, and crowded to excess by persons ...
Article : 666 wordsMR. EDITOR—In the Sydney Herald of June 22nd there is an article on "Emigration to New South Wales," extracted from the Glasgow Argus of February 1st, which article has been re-copied ...
Article : 2,389 wordsWe recommend the following extract from the prospectus of a new journal about to be started at Hobart Town to the notice of several hundreds of our own subscribers, who have not paid their ...
Article : 721 wordsBEING perfectly acquainted with the system by which certain settlers manage to secure to themselves a kind of monopoly in prison labour, we hesitated not to notice a communication we received a few ...
Article : 524 wordsTwo arguments have been used against total abstinence societies, which have considerable weight with many persons whose influence and example would be useful if it could be enlisted in their ...
Article : 529 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 79 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 100 wordsOn Saturday last a public meeting of the inhabitants of Campbelltown and the surrounding districts was held at the courthouse at Campbelltown, agreeably to advertisement, for the purpose of taking into ...
Article : 1,618 wordsA satisfactory communication has this day been received from has Excellency Commissioner Yang, declaratory of the faithful intentions of his newly arrived colleagues, concerning the arrangements ...
Article : 234 wordsA suspension of hostilities at Canton and in that province has been this day agreed upon between the Imperial Commissioner Yang and the undersigned. It has further been publicly proclaimed to the ...
Article : 1,411 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), Tue 20 Jul 1841, Page 2
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