"At the Sligo Assizes a man named John Breheste was found guilty of robbery, and recommended by the Jury to mercy, when the Judge, in answer to the recommendation, said—" He should be hanged in the ...
Article : 234 wordsThe Grand Jury Inquest of our Sovereign Lord the King, present to the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, assembled at Sydney, in and for the Colony of New South Wales, the eight day of ...
Article : 773 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 132 wordsI Love to gaze upon thy placed bay, Majestic port!—Some lonely rock my seat, To watch the blush of morn—inhale the sweet Soft ocean breeze—to mark the parting ray. ...
Article : 129 wordsMy letter received, which I tolled to produce, If conscience my coz in your bosom you've got any, You'll allow that I've made of my time a good use, And compleated my studies already in "Botany." ...
Article : 1,113 wordsThis was an action brought by the Attorney-General at the suit of the King, and called an Information of Intrusion against Mr. Robert Cooper, for taking possession of a certain parcel of Crown land ...
Article : 1,364 wordsMONDAY.—This was an information filed by the Attorney-General, at the instance of Mr. Josephson, against A. Polack, for wilful and corrupt perjury, in swearing that M.r Josephson, during the time that he (Polack) lived with him, was inconstant ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Thu 17 Feb 1825, Page 3
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