If the statement communicated by our Correspondent "Quidam" be true, we have great occasion to deplore the bad policy which denies the prison population the strongest stimulus to ...
Article : 1,391 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 17 wordsMr. Cunningham the indefatigable Colonial Collector for the Royal Gardens at Kew, returned to Sydney yesterday, after an absence of nearly six months, on a professional tour to the Northward ...
Article : 837 wordsLightfoot and Skinner, two of the Sydney Police constables, having got scent of a considerable quantity of property not honestly come, by which was said to be concealed somewhere on Goat Island, took boat one dark evening last ...
Article : 185 wordsJames Davidson, one of the prisoners who have been tries, as our Readers will recollect, under Informations presented in the name of Mr. Moore, subsequently to the date of the Commission of Mr. Baxter, the Attorney, General ...
Article : 666 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 50 wordsWe extract the following report from "The Edinburgh Courant," which has recently fallen into our hands; and as it contains an account of the flattering reception which our late respected Governor, Sir Thomas Brisbane, met on ...
Article : 739 wordsAn investigation into a charge of cattle stealing occupied the attention of the Magistrates for some time on Wednesday. The accused man was John Thomas, the holder of a ticket of leave, that of the other party, John Roff, a native ...
Article : 264 wordsArrived on Friday last the ship Triton, Captain Crear, from England, last from Hobart Town. Cargo, sundries. Saturday the ship Governor Ready, Captain John Young, from Portsmouth, 5th April, St. Jago 7th May, and Hobart ...
Article : 189 wordsSIR,—Will you allow me to introduce, to your notice, and through the medium of your Paper, to the notice of the published, the subject of instructing and and civilizing the Abroigines of this country? It is a question as difficult and ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Wed 5 Sep 1827, Page 3
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