Her Majesty took her departure from Scotland, on Thursday, 15th September, and signified her approbation of the conduct of the authorities in the several places ...
Article : 559 wordsThe funds have remained in a state of inactivity, and very little fluctuation has occurred in prices. The sale of some stock in the early part of business caused a trifling ...
Article : 716 wordsLEEDS.—The cloth markets have been dull this week, merchants have been waiting to ascertain the result of the American Tariff which is decidedly unfavourable ...
Article : 383 wordsThe Champagne Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft. for two-year-old colts. 7lbs.; fillies. 8st. 5lb.; the second to save his stake and the winner to give six dozen of Champagne to the Club. ...
Article : 1,673 wordsSURVEY SYSTEM.—Mr. Drake, principal contract surveyor of the district, has been promoted to office of Surveyor of the Clarence River district. After the signal failure of the present ...
Article : 471 wordsWINDSOR.—19th December:—Bay filly or mare, four white feet or fetlocks, small stripe or blaze on the foreheads small white spot near the nose, dark or black mane, long dark tail, small scar on the top of the jaw bone off side ...
Article : 1,108 words{No abstract available}
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Wed 11 Jan 1843, Page 3
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