Details of the sensational robbery from Cole's Book Arcade early on the morning of June 30, when Maurice Barrett, night watchman, was found bound hand and foot ...
Article : 1,755 wordsA spectacular explosion took place yesterday at the Albion quarries, Brunswick, where several thousand tons of rock was biasted from the face of the open-cut. Five holes, each 42ft. deep and 6¼in. in diameter, were bored in the solid rock, and 18,000lb. of 60 per cent. gelignite inserted. It was expected that the whole face of the quarry would fall outwards, but instead the force of the explosion went ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 82 wordsAbove is the branch office of the Commercial Bank, the manager of which (Mr. T. R. V. Berriman) was shot by the thieves. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 28 wordsWarnings were issued by the Weather Bureau yesterday that further heavy falls of rains in the Upper Yarra district had swollen the river, and that floods might soon be expected. The melting of snow on the Warburton ranges has already caused the Yarra to overflow its banks. At the old Dight's Falls, near the Johnston street bridge, Abbotsford, yesterday a remarkable scene was witnessed as the flood waters foamed over the weir. The contrast between the broab expanse of river above the falls and the [?]ing torrent below is depicted. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 96 wordsA delicate operation at the Albion quarries yesterday was the setting of the fuse which exploded eight tons of gelignite. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 23 wordsAnother "Reso" train, carrying representative business men on a tour of the Western district, left Spencer street yesterday morning. The rear of the train was embellished with the illuminated devicn as illustrated. In the upper group, from right to left—Messrs. J. Spencer Brunton (Victorian Mlllowners' Association), A. Spain (Royal Institute of British Architects, Sydney), E. Richards (assistant ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 90 wordsThis is an official plan of the "lay-out" of the British Empire Trade Exhibition, which will be opened at Wembley next year. The orientation of the Australian exhibits is of particular interest. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 36 wordsInterested in the sports meeting on the Bendigo oval at the railways pienic are two members of the party entertained by the Railways Mutual Benefit Society, Mr. Warwick Armstrong (left) and Mr. J. B. Garguerevlch (secretary of the V.A.T.C). ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 86 wordsBefore Judge Wasley and a jury in General Sessions yesterday, David Robert Burns, fruiterer, of Burke road, Camberwell, was charged with the manslaughter ...
Article : 608 wordsMr. Justice Weigall had before him in the Practice Court yesterday the latest development in the protracted actions between Thomas Craine, a former mayor of ...
Article : 329 wordsMr. Justice Weigall, in the Practice Court yesterday, considered an application for an order to issue letters of request to take evidence in Germany and Poland. ...
Article : 328 wordsFrederick William Ruddock, a house agent, applied to Mr. Smith, P.M. and Mr. Moore, J.P., at the Port Melbourne Court yesterday for an order to recover ...
Article : 175 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tue 9 Oct 1923, Page 9
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