The Full Court of Victoria, consisting of the Chief Justice (Sir William Irvine), Mr. Justice McArthur, and Mr. Justice Weigall concluded yesterday the eleventh day of the ...
Article : 488 wordsThe F[?]ll Court of the High Court, consisting [?] the Chief Justice (Sir Adrian Knox), [?]r. Justice Isaacs, and Mr. Justice Duffy y[?]terday reserved judgment upon ...
Article : 366 wordsWhether a block[?] land at the seaside lost the greater part of i[?] value when denuded of its natural growth wa[?] matter argued before Judge Moule, in the Cou[?] Court, yesterday. Violet ...
Article : 368 wordsBefore Messrs. E. M. Moor[?] [?]hairman), J. [?]ward, and T. Passfield, J.P.'[?] the Brunswick Court yesterday, Arthur C[?] Moroso, 28, motor mechanic, appeared to [?]swer three ...
Article : 339 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 37 wordsBy the Orient [?]r Ost[?]ay 172 new settlers arrived, leaving [?]ut 200 to continue the voyage to Sydney. A typical family destined for the land appears in the uppe[?] right-hand picture; the young father is proud of his twins. Among the first-class passengers was Mr. W. A. Winter-Irving, an old Melburnian who represented Cambridge University against Oxford in athletics. He is shown above on the right with his father, Mr. J. I. Winter-Irving, owner of last year's Oaks winner, Scarlet, who met him on board. Inset is Mrs. C. Martel, who took a leading ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 150 wordsMr. F. S. Briggs yesterday flow to Hay, N.S.W., from the North Essendon aerodrome of the Larkin Aircraft Supply Co. Ltd. with the Sopwith-Antelope aeroplane, the "Bower Bird," which is the second machine flown by him to this relay station on the Adclaido-Sydney aerial mail route. The "Bower Bird" completes the quota of three mail aeroplanes for the service. He expects to reach Adelaide at the week-end. Mr. Briggs is seen in the centre of the [?]ture, with the company's aero[?]autical superintendent (Mr. F. L. Roberts) on the left, and Mr. H. Larkin (director) on the right. On the right are views of the aeroplane "taking off," showing the compact [?] which the mails and passengers are carried. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 126 wordsAt Moonee Valley yesterday the Oaklands Hunt Club's Hunt Cup was won by Mr. Claude Grice, who rode his steep[?]echaser [?]troll Along in fine style. On the right he is receiving a diamond pin as rider, after winning the cup as owner, from the president of the Hunt Club (Mr. Alister Clark). Between them, at the rear, is the vice-chairman of the Moonee Vallay Club committee (Mr. J. B. McArthur). On the left are the placed horses over the last jump in the race. From left to right are Mr. D. Branigan's Prince Fife (third), Mr. W. Bamford's Yellow Mountain (second), and Mr. Gr[?]'s Stroll Along (winner). ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 112 wordsAfter two years' service in Australia, the First Member of the Naval Board (Vice-Admiral Sir A[?]an Everett) sailed by thr Karoola yesterday for Albany (W.A.), on route for England. He will [?]oin the Prime Minister's party at Fremant[?]e on September [?], after inspecting naval sites in Western Australia. He is seen on deck with his private secretary (Paymaster-Commander N. F. Roy) on the left, and the director of naval works (Mr. F. A. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 84 wordsThe Postal department has been forced to refuse the carriage of mall articles closed with large paper fasteners. Such an "out-size" in fasteners as that depicted is dreaded by postal sorters and carriers, owing to the danger[?] of laceration of their fingers. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 46 wordsAn incident in the match yesteray at Richmond between the visiting team of Hibernian footballers from Subiaco (W.A.) and a team representing the Victorian district of the Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society is illustrated. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 36 wordsAt the dedication of a fine new M[?]on[?] temple in Station street, Box Hill, Wor. Bro. J. K. Poust[?]e was last week installed Master of the Box Hill lodge. The building is typical of many similar structures recently erected [?]n the suburbs, which testify to the steady growth of Freomasonry. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 53 wordsFollowing an accident in which the motor-car he was driving struck and killed Samuel Cann, aged 60 years, a ganger employed by the Tramways Board, living at ...
Article : 969 wordsIn the City Court yesterday, before Mr. R. Knight, P.M., Winfred H. L. Fowles, licensee of Carlyon's Hotel, Spencer street, was charged with having, on August 21, ...
Article : 427 wordsSome weeks ago information was received by Senior-detective M. GAnn, of Collingwood, that illegal gambling was being conducted in several shops at Warragul on a fairly large scale. Police ...
Article : 166 wordsFrederick McLaughlin, hawker, of Sydney, was charged at the Carlton Court yesterday, before Messrs. Cly[?]e and Bright, J.P.'s, with having had in his possession a buggy, horse, and ...
Article : 118 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thu 30 Aug 1923, Page 7
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