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    Ellzabeth (brig), Stewart, master, for New Zealand—4 cases and 18 muskets, 2 kegs flints and balls, 2 bales slops, 2 kegs gunpowder, I bundle hardware, 5 baskets tobacco, and stores. ...

    Article : 126 words
  3. Projected Departures.

    London—Carolinc, 300 tons, W. Dawes, 1st Sept. Gilmore, 500 tons, M. Phillips, 14th October. ...

    Article : 19 words
  4. Coastwise from the 15th to the 23d August, inclusive.

    Lambton, Corlette, 62 tons, Port Stephens, sundries. Monitor, Nichols, 20 tons, Newcastle, ditto. Carrabeen, Reeves, 18 tons, ditto, coals. ...

    Article : 53 words

    Glatton, Pickett, 13 tons, Newcastle, ballast. Linnet, Warman, 12 tons, ditto, household furniture Carrabeen, Reeves, 18 tons, ditto, ballast. ...

    Article : 82 words
  6. Spirits and Tobacco.

    Stock on hand, 14th August, B.P. Rum, 90, 534 gallons; brandy, 80,532 gallons; gin, 28,538 gallons; other spirits, 11,399 gallons; tobacco, 185,869 pounds. ...

    Article : 87 words

    Mr. O'Connell gave notice that he should, to-morrow, move an address, in order to obtain copies of the indictments under which James Cocks and others, in Van Dimen's ...

    Article : 989 words
  8. CHINA.

    "That we the Precident, and select Committee of Supra-cagoes, being duly authorised by Acts of the British Legislature, to superintend all the affairs of the English Nation in China, do hereby ...

    Article : 161 words
  9. No Title

    Since writing the above we have received the Canten Register of the 19th by the Caledonia, from which we give the following interesting extract:— "The Select Committee have virtually ...

    Article : 133 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,014 words
  11. Shipping Intelligence.

    Arrivals.—On the 21st Instnt, the Marquis of Huntley, 564 tons, Ascough, master, from Portsmouth the 27th April, with 228 male prisoners. Wm. Bell Carlisle, Esq. Surgeon-Superintendent. ...

    Article : 180 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 34 words

    August 20. Lady Rowena [ship), Russell, master, from London, 17 packages scale beams, boards, and weights, 4 packages books and papers, Collector and Comptroller of Customs; 100 ...

    Article : 681 words