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Advertising : 632 wordsThe second half of the season, which opened on Saturday, produced surprises, and as the football year proceeds we will have plenty more. On the field the teams ...
Article : 1,486 wordsFITZROY have made some change after their debacle on Saturday. They had a long run, and then struck trouble all of a beap. It all began with Corrlgan's accident, and [?]grove and Scales ...
Article : 3,571 wordsWhen Geelong and South Melbourne played on June 21. South Melbourne won by three points. Alleging that a South Melbourne player had shaken a post. thus causing a shot by Geelong ...
Article : 584 wordsThe first public schools match for the season was played on the Melbourne Cricket-ground yesterday, when after a hard, fast game. Navier College beat Scotch College. The Wind favoured ...
Article : 302 wordsThe 6th grand champion sheep sow under the ausp[?] of the Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society will be held in the society's showgrounds on Wednesday and Thursday, August 20 and 21. ...
Article : 256 wordsThe Equity Trustees Co. Ltd., Mr. L. H. Braham and Mr. Louis Morria, the trustees of the Marks B[?] Charitable Trust have made the first annual distribution of income of the ...
Article : 106 wordsLess then 23 ratepayers attended the meeting convened by the Caulfield Ratepayers Association. in the Elsternwick Dispensary Hall last night. for the purpose of considering the formation of a ...
Article : 1,661 wordsMany ratepayers and citizens of Gleniris at tended a meeting in the State school last night. The object of the meeting was to discuss a resolution recently passed by the Gleni[?] Progress ...
Article : 350 wordsFrancis Williams. aged 23 years, la[?] was charged at the City Court on Thursday with having, on June 9. stolen a leather [?] containing a £1note, four shirts, and other articles. valued at £6, ...
Article : 172 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Fri 4 Jul 1924, Page 5
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