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  2. Bungendore.

    Meetings are being held and arrangements made for the erection of a stained glass window in the eastern side of St. Philip's Church of England. ...

    Article : 206 words

    Hospital committee meet to-night. There has been a heavy fall in eggs in the Sydney markets. The Yass Motor Cycle Club will probably ...

    Article : 972 words
  4. The Federal Gapital Site.

    A copy of the "Scone Advocate" of March 28 ultimo, has found its way to Queanbeyan, addressed to a prominent citizen, presumably because it contains an ...

    Article : 624 words
  5. To Certain Cornstalks Coming Home.

    England won't forget you and the proud swinging walk for you, The simpleness, the courtesy, the frankness and the fun: ...

    Article : 221 words
  6. Correspondence.

    Sir,—It has been said "Conscience makes cowards of us all." I would like to know if this is the course of the seemingly great reaction that is taking place ...

    Article : 389 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 222 words
  8. Producers' Necessaries.

    The Country Service and Supply Department of John Bridge and Co., Ltd., writes:— "With the desire to be helpful ...

    Article : 304 words

    Nippy weather. We are to have two new moons this month. Show committee meet to-morrow ...

    Article : 1,123 words
  10. The Churches.

    Queanbeyan , 8 am. and 11 a.m., H.C., and 7.30 p.m. ...

    Article : 24 words
  11. Majura.

    The departure of the Rev. Mr. Mills from this district will be regretted by most people here. As a minister and man he is well liked, especially with the church ...

    Article : 187 words
  12. Personal.

    Mr. J. S. Farquhar, one-time resident of Queanbeyan, is now on a visit to the old town. Pte. Jack Naylor, brother of Mr. P. G. ...

    Article : 81 words

    Queanbeyan, 8.30 a.m. R.M.C. 11 a.m. ...

    Article : 11 words

    Gandaroo, 10.30 a.m. Upper Canberra, 8 p.m. Queanbeyan, 7.30 p.m. ...

    Article : 23 words
  15. THE Queanbeyan Age.

    There were 25 deaths from influenza in the 24 hours ended at eight o'clook last night, and 83 new cases. There are now 832 cases in ...

    Article : 182 words
  16. Holman's Circus.

    The quarantine camp, popularly known as Holman's circus, was dismantled at Albury on Wednesday. The tents have been pulled down and the internees are ...

    Article : 49 words
  17. The Cormorant Invasion.

    The following reply from the Chief Secretary's Department to a letter recently published in our columns by Mr. John Gale, J.P., and forwarded to the Fisheries ...

    Article : 315 words
  18. Leg Show.

    As a result of the short dress vogue there is said to be much jealously among the Tamworth girls as to who possesses the most symmetrical pair of legs. In ...

    Article : 85 words
  19. Michelago.

    Quite a gloom was cast over the locality on Thursday last when it became known that Mrs. A. W. Kelly, of "Spring Valley." had died in the Queanbeyan hospital from ...

    Article : 356 words
  20. The Markets.

    John Bridge & Co., Ltd., report under date 29th March, 1919:—Wool:—There has been little or no relaxation of the adverse climatic conditions prevailing in ...

    Article : 290 words
  21. Roll of Honor.

    Mr. W. W. Abbott, has received the. following letter from Base Records office, Melbourne: "With reference to the report of the regrettable loss of your son, ...

    Article : 108 words
  22. Pneumonic Influenza.

    In response to a requisition from some of the leading citizens of the town and district the Mayor convened a public meeting which was held in the Municipal ...

    Article : 339 words
  23. Red Cross Tea Rooms.

    The Hon, Austin Chapman has received the following communication from the Defence Department, Melbourne:—" I desire to acknowledge the receipt of your ...

    Article : 112 words

    'The "Daily Express" correspondent gat Paris states that the Big Four decided that Dantzig be a free city and that a plebiscite be taken ...

    Article : 159 words
  25. Gundaroo.

    The ball in aid of the Queanbeyan and Yass Hospitals on Friday night was not as well patronised as is usual at functions of this kind in our locality. Nevertheless, ...

    Article : 461 words
  26. Busy-Bodies at Work.

    Ever since the commercial traveller was taken to the hospital last week suffering from a bad cold, some busy-bodies have been circulating all kinds of distorted ...

    Article : 108 words
  27. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 451 words
  28. Woman Rifle Shot.

    In a rifle match between Parkes and Peak Hill, Miss Ella Mitchell, shooting for Peak Hill, made top score of the day (64). She secured 30 at 500 and 34 at ...

    Article : 44 words
  29. Borgara Station Sold.

    Borgara Station, Walgett. comprising 40,279 acres Freehold, C.P. and C.L. land, has just been purchased by Mr. J. W. Fisher, late of Merrimba, ...

    Article : 70 words
  30. "Summer Complaint."

    Trace it to its source and you'll find that most hot weather sickness is caused by constipation. It's impossible to keep well when the lower intestine is clogged ...

    Article : 156 words
  31. Presbyterian Flower Show.

    We hear that the members of St. Stephen's Ladies' Guild, are, like the busy bees, improving each shining hour, so that when their Flower Show opens on the 15th ...

    Article : 281 words
  32. Triumph Pictures.

    Movie "fans" are being treated to a liberal and classical programme at the Triumph Pictures to-morrow night (Saturday), in it ...

    Article : 99 words
  33. The Sacred Bond.

    Fish are protected within the Federal Capital Area by a newly-gazetted oridnance. "Come round the corner to the next ...

    Article : 204 words
  34. Rifle Shooting.

    The usual monthly shoot for the aggregate and championship prizes took place on the local range under the usual conditions, to shots at 600 and 700 yards. The ...

    Article : 148 words
  35. Duntroon Amusement Association.

    The annual meeting of the above Association was held at the Recreation Hall at Duntroon on the 24th March. There was a good ...

    Article : 83 words
  36. Trout Season Ending.

    The open season in which it is lawful to capture trout with rod and line will expire on April 13. From April 14 until October 3 (inclusive) it will be unlawful to capture ...

    Article : 65 words
  37. The Markets.

    New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Ltd., report.—Our next appraisement will begin on April 9 and should be concluded the following afternoon. ...

    Article : 64 words
  38. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 46 words
  39. To Correspondents.

    Mr. Potiri's letter in reply to "Free and Fnbound" is unavoidably held over till next issue. ...

    Article : 18 words



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