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Advertising : 60 wordsesterday week the Honorary Mininer for Health (Mr. S. W. Muhsie) opened the new Dental Hospital in Murray-street, Perth. The above.group shows Mr. Munsie with the President (Mr. G. D. Henderson) surrounded by the members of the institution. (H. Hart, photo). ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 50 wordsOn Monday last an officiai delegation, headed by Sir Archibald Boyd Carpenter, representing the British motor industry, arrived in W.A. by the R.M.S. Orama. Those in the above picture are (left to right) Mr. J. S. Strong (from the Eastern States), Mr. A. Fenn, Sir Archibald Boyd Carpenter and Lieut-Colonel Hacking. (Art Photo Engravers.) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 61 wordsFlood waters from the Wongan Hills area have caused the lakes at Three Springs to overflow, with the consequent inundation of the surrounding country. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 31 wordsA telegram received carly in the week by the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. E. P. Ramsay) stated that road traffic was interrupted between Three Springs and Perenjori, and Three Springs and Carnamah. The water was lying cross the road for a width of over a chain, and was six feet deep. The above pictures were taken on the roads mentioned and show clearly the damage that has bein done. (E. J. Dufy, photo.) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 96 wordsThe victorious Cambridge University Eight, which triumphed over their keen rivals from Oxford by four lengths, crew included the Geelong rower, Bell, whose strength and pluck played a prominent part in his crew's success. The Cambridge ("Bystander" Photo.) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 45 wordsThe two pictures above were taken on Kadji Kadji Station and shene clearly the estent of the flood voters cursed by the heavy rains. ([?] Burgese, Photo) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 34 wordsOn Monday last His Grace the Archbishop of London, on bis way back to England, was entertained in Perth. He is here seen leaving the Perth College, Mt. Lawley. (Hooper, photo.) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 35 wordsThis fine array of dahlia blooms was exhibited at the Horticultural Show oa Tuesday by Mr. G. Hayman, who carried off the trophy for the best sixteen blooms (four of each variety). Art Photo Eng[?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 40 wordsDuring the wook the fifth interstate conference of the Irish National Foresters' Benefit Society was held in Perth. Our picture shows the members who attended the conference. Front row (left to right): Messrs. J. F. Magee T. 13. Avery, B. L. Qvoyle, T. F. Flynn and W. J. Butler. Back row: Messrs. J. Dwyer, T Davidson,' G M "Lindes and J. J. Flaheriy. (Art photo Engravers) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 76 wordsAnother view of the flooded countryside at Three Springs, which feat suffered heavily from flood waters. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sun 10 Apr 1927, Page 13
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