On November 27, 1927, under the title "Superfine Silk Stockings from Sydney—A Specious Scheme to Snare This State's Shekels."—"The Sunday ...
Article : 962 wordsThe following article is by Mr. James Paterson, of Ruby-street, North Perth, who recently returned from a 7000mile trip in the North-West:— ...
Article : 889 wordsA group photograph of the staff of the Royal Mint, Perth, who recently gathered to say farewell to Mr. F. E. Allum, I.S.O., who has retired from the position as Deputy Master. Mr. Allum is third from the left in the front row, while his successor, Mr. H. A. Corbet, is fifth from the left. (E. L. Mitchell, photo.) ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 66 wordsA. H. Morrell (London, formerly of W.A.) writes under date July 29:— I have just received my last two copies of the "Times," giving my ...
Article : 1,278 wordsUnder the Health Act, 1911-19, new food and drug regulations, to come into force on February 1, 1929, were gazetted on August 17. Some of the ...
Article : 470 words{No abstract available}
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Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sun 2 Sep 1928, Page 7
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