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Advertising : 574 wordsMany readers have asked me if I can explain to them why their complexions are so much clearer in the summer than in the winter (writes ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 606 wordsStale smoke makes a most objectionable odor. A large bowl of fresh, cold water should be placed at night in the room in which smoking has ...
Article : 131 wordsIn the main, the London dress collections which I visited last week impressed me, as did those in Paris, with the simplicity of line and, ...
Article : 1,170 wordsChocolate boxes and others of a useful size. When sending a parcel there is no hectic search for a box, as on the top shelf of the "store ...
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Advertising : 206 wordsMayfair's latest craze is boxing parties. The newest fashion in party brightening is to let your guests fight among themselves, or bring in "pros" ...
Article : 296 wordsWhile Part favors new materials of cotton, flax and wool, real and artificial silks and sating—marocains, georgettes, ninons, etc.,—have not by ...
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Advertising : 380 wordsVisitors to Melbourne may now purchase "The Sunday Times" at McGill's Newsagency, in Elizabeth street, opposite the G.P.O. as well as ...
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Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sun 23 Apr 1933, Page 6
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