Thieves who broke into the house of Mr. J. Simmons, in Prospect Hill road, Camberwell, during the absence of the occupants on Thursday night, celebrated ...
Article : 177 wordsTrice, a brown mare owned by the Countess of Stradbroke, won the Standish Handicap at the New Year's Day meeting of the Victoria Racing Club at Flemington. As indicated by the photograph, the finish was very close; Adrift, on the inside, finished second, and Perspective, on the rails, was third. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 55 wordsWhat can be done in a backyard with poultry is well illustrated by an article in "The Australasian," which shows that an industry can be established profitably ...
Article : 414 wordsA constable's efforts to quienten a rowdy "New Year" party at Aspendale early yesterday morning aroused the fury of a mob of about 20 young men. He was ...
Article : 640 wordsWith the aid of luck, and the driver of a taxi-cab on New Year's Eve, Mr. R. A. Freeman, of Drummond street, Carlton, recovered his motor-car, which had been ...
Article : 545 wordsSpecial arrangements have been made by the Railways Commissioners to cope with the rush to the city which is now taking place after the holidays. From ...
Article : 361 wordsA party of tourists from the liner Carinthia reached Melbourne by the Sydney express yesterday, in order to spend more time here than the itinerary would otherwise permit. They will sail by the Carinthia to-morrow evening. From left to right: Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lieh. Dr. Lieh is professor of pharmacology at the Columbia University. Mr. J. E. Donaldson, who has acted as lecturer on eight conducted tours in various parts of the world. Miss C. Lillie and Miss S. T. McBride, from New York, and Mr. M. P. Rich, a well-known broker on Wall street. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 102 wordsAmong the passengers who arrived in Melbourne on the Hobson's Bay was Mr. W.H. Gardiner, who has returned after three years' work in England in connection ...
Article : 288 wordsA pair of tawny frogmouths in the collection of "Boobook," the Ballarat naturalist, which were photographed in a moment of extreme concentration, as they watched an insect crawling along the stump on which they were seated. Many country people erroneously name these birds ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 63 wordsA large gathering of bowlers of many clubs was present at the Sandringham green yesterday, where an open tournament was conducted. Competitors photographed are members of the Sandringham club; measuring the shot is Mr. E. Hosking, and behind him, from left to right, are Messrs. Black, Bailiff, Blackie, Wilson, and Soffa. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 58 wordsBefore Mr. C. Goldspink, J.P., at the City Court yesterday, Horace Hubert Sayers, aged 24 years, labourer, of South Melbourne, was charged with having ...
Article : 302 wordsThe Yarraville police are searching for Mrs. Ella Pinchon, aged 32 years, who has been missing since early yesterday morning. Mrs. Pinchon was ...
Article : 153 wordsMore than 100 seamen were entertained yesterday by the Victorian branch of the Missions to Seamen, Flinders street extension, when the annual New Year festivities were held. In ...
Article : 240 wordsBefore Douglas Robertson, aged 37 years, skilled labourer, who is charged with having murdered William Frederick Charles Almeida, bank teller, at Hampton, ...
Article : 103 wordsIncluded in the list of hotels in the metropolitan area published yesterday, in respect of which renewals of licences were not granted by the Licensing Court after ...
Article : 70 wordsThe dominant note in the after-break-fast speeches of the delegates at the Church of England Men's Conference at Ivanhoe on Friday was the influence of the society ...
Article : 225 wordsA large crowd attended the opening day of the first annual demonstration of the Eastern Districts' Fire Brigades' Association of Victoria, which began on the Chelsea recreation reserve ...
Article : 159 wordsSpecial New Year services will be held in the churches to-morrow. At Wesley Church, the Rev. J.H. Cain will take the morning service, and the Rev. S.J. Hoban ...
Article : 459 wordsMany changes took place in the Victorian team at the beginning of the match against South Australia yesterday, and the side was dismissed cheaply for 232 runs. Incidents in the game:— Left: Love who scored 22, playing a ball to leg off Grimmett. Parry is behind the wickets. Right: Ransford scoring a single to-leg off Grimmett. He was dismissed for 15. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 68 wordsTheft of eight carcases of pork was reported from the Richmond abattoirs on December 29. Detective Abbott arrested two men on Thursday on a charge of having stolen the pork. At the ...
Article : 133 wordsBasil Bishop, aged 28 years, boxmaker, was' charged at the City Court on Friday, before Mr. C. Goldspink, J.P., with having assaulted Constable Bedson. He pleaded guilty. ...
Article : 168 wordsWhile at work at the Richmond tramway sheds yesterday afternoon. Eric Ponie, aged 23 years, of Cook street, Abbotsferd, slipped in some grease and fell a distance of 6ft. into a dummy pit. ...
Article : 70 wordsSir.—I read with interest a letter by "Arts Country Student" on Monday. I understand that the amended regulation in regard to the supplementary examinations ...
Article : 175 wordsTo-morrow being the second Sunday after Christmas, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock at St. Paul's Cathedral. Matins will be at a quarter to 11 o'clock, ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 2 Jan 1926, Page 9
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