The prevalence of riczhoctonia, or black scurf, also called little potato and rosette in certain parts of the State, this season directs attention to a disease that is ...
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Advertising : 187 wordsThe Australian Sheepbreeders' Association is issuing the prize schedule for its annual exhibition, to be held on Monday and Tuesday, August 1 and 2, at the wool stores ...
Article : 256 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 393 wordsA tour of the women's section of the Better Farming Train through the Western districts will begin on May 30, lasting until June 9. Experts on cookery, needlework, and child welfare will ...
Article : 84 wordsTATURA— The report of the judge (Mr. W. R. Birks, principal of Dookie College) has been received by the Tatura Agriculture Society with reference to the fallow portion of the society's fallow ...
Article : 268 wordsThe Railways Commisioners announced yesterday that from May 16 the time-table of thefirst train from Ballarat to Melbourne each morning will be slightly amended. This train at present ...
Article : 69 wordsThe Railway Commissioners announce that beginning to-day the railway motor-couches on the Portsen run will travel through the Mornington township, the route being by way of point Nepean ...
Article : 75 wordsLAUNCHESTON (T.), Tuesday— In the Police Courte this morning, before Mr. E. L. Hall, P.M., Thomas Kennedy, of King island, and Douglas Treloggen, of Sr. Helens, were each lined £50. ...
Article : 54 wordsThe district is very day. The rainfall for the last six months has been the lowest recorded since 1882. The registrated rainfall for each month respectively being 93, ...
Article : 1,588 wordsFrederick John Boyles on Wednesday applled to the City Court to set asaide an order that he should be imprisoned for having failed to make payments to the Childern's Welfare department ...
Article : 5,951 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thu 12 May 1927, Page 3
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