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    The story began in The Register on Saturday, September IS. It opened with the visit of Constable Fatzpatrick to the Kelly home to arrest Dan—a momentout visit which ended in warrants for attempted murder, and which marked the beginning of the Kellu cang's career as bushrangers. With Steve Hart—and Joe Byrne Ned ...

    Article : 2,531 words
  3. Advertising

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    Advertising : 366 words
  4. Advertising

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    Advertising : 292 words

    The Council will lit in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Unley. on SATURDAY, November 8th, 1030, at 7 p.m., as an OPEN COURT for the Revision of the Citizens' Lists. CLAIMS must be lodged in the Town Clerk's Office not later than ...

    Article : 226 words
  6. Advertising

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    Advertising : 234 words