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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 19 words
  3. "IS ZAT SO?"

    One hears a lot these, days in deprecation of the wholesale importation of artists from overseas, and there is certainly a good deal in the contention that ...

    Article : 1,043 words

    "No, No, Nanette," the musical comedy to be presented by the Hugh J. Ward Theatres Proprietary, Limited, at the Theatre Royal on Saturday next will ...

    Article : 687 words

    "Cahill, you're as guilty as hell itself; but, for Mary's sake, I hope they don't get you!" So said Lieut. Ransom (Richard Barthelmess), in a thrilling ...

    Article : 716 words

    Beginning at the matinee on Saturday at the Prince of Wales Theatre, William Anderson's popular dramatic organization will present for the first time in ...

    Article : 155 words
  7. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1,517 words
  8. "SEA HORSES."

    A film-drama of quite outstanding grip was screened at the York Theatre on Saturday. A strong plot, a great cast, the setting of the restless, pitiless sea itself ...

    Article : 700 words
  9. Advertising

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    Advertising : 12 words