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  2. Tel Aviv, Where Genius Tries To Rise Again

    "Chocolat Eskimo! Eskimo! Chocolat Eskimo!" The monotonous cry of the icecream vendor resounds along the beach. It is Easter and the Passover, the time of unleavened bread or "cardboard" as the little Jewess from Berlin called ...

    Article : 718 words
  3. Thoughts On Mothers' Day

    In an age when we deplore the passing of many fine standards and aids to right living. Mothers' Day stands out as a spiritual finger-post, directing our ...

    Article : 338 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 214 words
  5. Handyman in the Home

    If you wish to add a modernistic note to your home, design your fireplace in the form of a small bar, complete with cupboards and serving shelf. The idea can also be applied in a room without a fireplace, but where an electric ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 521 words
  6. Oil Co. Director Retires

    Mr. John Turner, a director of Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., has retired after 45 years' service. He is widely known in motoring and commercial ...

    Article : 108 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 133 words
  8. "My Men Did The Job", Says V.C. Hero

    PERTH, Saturday.—"It was sheer luck for me. My men did the job." That was all Maj. H. M. Ervine-Andrews, who recently arrived in Australia, had to say on how he won ...

    Article : 202 words

    MEMBERS OF AN AUSTRALIAN COMPANY OF ENGINEERS now serving overseas with the A.I.F. TOP ROW (from left)—-Sprs. R. A. Francis, N. A. Riches, C. D. Henry, H. L. Stewart, G. B. Stevens, A. Arnold, C. Anderson, F. V. Thompson, H. E. Elix, F. W. Hall, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 384 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 465 words