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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 362 words
  3. John Healey's HIM PAGE

    BING Crosby, a bright collection of songs, and some chuckle-provoking lines make "Mr. Music" likeable musical fare of a type less noisy than some that have hit the screen lately. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 543 words
  4. Secret of his scowl

    [?] ...

    Article : 24 words
  5. He waited 7 years to do film

    London, Sat.: Seven years ago Leslie Arliss read Ruth Fenner's novel "Three Cuds of ...

    Article : 235 words
  6. "Teresa's" twin for stardom

    HOLLYWOOD, Fri.: Marisa Angeli has been signed by Paramount for a star build-up. She is the twin sister of ...

    Article : 257 words
  7. Russian to play queen

    LONDON, Sat: Russian dancer-actress Ludmilla Tcherina, who appears in "The Tales of Hoffmann," has been chosen for the title role in "Mary Queen of Scots." JOAN Dowling's first [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 455 words