Mr. A[?] candidate for parliamentary houours, paid us a visit lost Saturday, but owing to the race at Goodrich there was not many people in town. Mr. Ardill explained his Land act at some length, and exhibited plans illustrating his views. ...
Article : 131 wordsThe metropolitan readers of the Town and Country are not often troubled with gossip emanating from this beautiful Arcadia at their gates. Nevertheless, we are so close to them, that very often we can hear the report of their one o'oloek gun ...
Article : 1,126 wordsThe main thing agitating the public mind here is the general elections. The residents of this district are very much pleased with the result of East and West Sydney elections Next week the electors of the Gwydir, in this neighbourhood, ...
Article : 881 wordsThe weather has been delightfully cool lately, cloudy with slight showers. Last evening we had a very heavy thunder storm, which lasted about an hour. A steady downfall is much needed, as grass is getting scarce everywhere, and the cattle ...
Article : 935 wordsCorrespondents, will please take notice that no questions will be answered unless the sender gives his real name and address in full—not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith, and that he is ...
Article : 3,371 wordsThe new year has commenced with one of the most delightful days of the season. Indeed, the day), during the week (excepting one or two very hot days) has been very favourable for the enjoyment of the ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 9 Jan 1875, Page 11
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