QUARTER SESSIONS.—On Friday last the sessions were opened before his Honor Mr. District Court Judge Wilkinson, and only one case was set down for hearing. Mary Falconer, on bail, charged with larceny, pleaded guilty. Mr. ...
Article : 291 wordsPenrith is so quiet now-a-days that few besides railway travellers know suuh a place in in existence. Some years ago it was a thriving town. The mail couches rattled and jostled through its streets, its public-houses and stores were ...
Article : 1,059 wordsSince my last we have had very heavy jain, and all the creeks have been flooded over, but as every one was well prepared, no great damage was done. I mentionad in my last that our cricketer were going to ...
Article : 163 wordsThe machinery for the Greta Company's new pit arrived upon the ground in the course of last week. The engines, which are very powerful, have been described in your journal before. The works on the pit top are being pushed on with ...
Article : 592 wordsThe weather since by last has been enjoyable, with the exception of a day or two of strong westerly gales, and to-day a slight rain is falling, not I hope sufficient to keep a large crowd from gathering to witness the last day of the West ...
Article : 388 wordsRumo[?]r is rife now as to the gentleman who is to succeed the late lamented Mr. Frank White in the representation of our electorate. The names of a good many have been mentioned, but some of them don t deserve to be recorded in ...
Article : 276 wordsIn a recent number of a Riverine poper, a mild attempt is made to poke fun at the journals published in the pastoral districts, because of the promience given to notion of the weither. Though these winter reports are thus condemned ...
Article : 1,164 wordsOur uusually quiet township was enlivened on Friday evening last by a conocrt given by lady and gentlemen amateurs, and held in the Temporance Hall, for the object of lessening the debt on the Anglician Church lately erected here. The ...
Article : 278 wordsMINING —In consequence of the annual races, there has been little doing the last week in mining matters, and the reported new rush near Parlies is causing some excitement here, and a considerable number are already en route to the ...
Article : 345 wordsSince my last vain has been the order of the day; our reservoirs are full and overflowing, and if the rain continues much longer our roads will be impassable, and this puts me in mind of something which often has be[?]" spoken of here, but never ...
Article : 466 wordsSince my last there has been considerable improvement in mining on the southern side of the gold-field. At the Wapping Butcher and Tichborne Leads there has been very little change; but at the rush near Scrubby Plain, mentioned in ...
Article : 1,131 wordsA meeting to consider the prenant Land Law, and the proposed amendments was convened on Saturday, May 1st, but it failed through paucity of attendance This weald lead one to consider that but little unity can exist among the free ...
Article : 209 wordsI am happy to say things are getting a little more shipshape in this quarter. I have done nothing lately but bewall the drought, and chronicle, all the mises of stomach-ache, bullocks starving, and other horrible effects of the sume. I was ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 15 May 1875, Page 34
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