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  2. Ship News.

    On Monday last arrived from England the ship Prince of Orange, Captain Silk. She left the Downs the 8th of October, and brings 135 men in good health—one died on the passage. Surgeon ...

    Article : 233 words

    COURT OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION.—FRIDAY, JAN. 19.—William Franklin was capitally indicted under Lord Ellenborough's Act for levelling a pistol at Roger Gavin, with an intent to prevent legal apprehension. ...

    Article : 3,645 words
  4. Sydney.

    Average Prices of Articles at Yesterday's Market:— Wheat 9s. 2d. per bushel; maize 6s. Od. per ditto; barley 5s. per do; potatoes 5s. per cwt; fowls 3s. per couple; butter 2s. 3d. per lb; and eggs 1s. 9d. ...

    Article : 492 words