SHIP NEWS.—MARCH 3.—On Sunday last arrived from England the ship Duchess of York, Captain Collins, with a valuable investment of British merchandize. —Passengers, Mr. A[?]ietta, Mr. parrott, sen. Mr. ...
Article : 581 wordsFRIDAY, FEB.2.—This morning the Court assembled at ten o'clock; but in consequence of several witnesses long since expected from Port Dalrymple overland not having arrived, adjourned till to-morrow, at ...
Article : 909 wordsAverage Prices of Articles at Yesterday's Market:— Wheat 8s. 11½d. per bushel; maize 5s. 6d. per ditto; barley 4s. 9d per. ditto; potatoes 5s. per cwt; fowls 2s. 9d. per couple; butter 2s. per lb; and eggs ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 17 Mar 1821, Page 3
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