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    By an Act of Parliament passed this Session, it is enacted, that, from and after the 10th of October, 1825, printed newspapers, and other printed publications liable to the stamp duties, may be sent to any of his Majesty's colonies or ...

    Article : 402 words

    MONDAY, Nov. 28.—Joseph Jones[?] free, charged with stealing a blue cloth w[?]coat from the saddle room of a gentleman's premises at Sydney; fully committed for trial. David Jones, prisoner of the crown, charged with having ...

    Article : 1,100 words
  4. Commercial News.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 557 words
  5. Supreme Civil Court.

    This was an action brought to recover damages for an assault, committed on the person of the plaintiff, Mr. William Aird, Superintendent of the Government Works at Parramatta. The damages ...

    Article : 1,525 words
  6. Supreme Criminal Court.

    The following prisoners were brought up and received sentence:— Thomas Ross, John M'Donell, Aaron Price, Lawrence Cleary, and Patrick Clinch, convicted ...

    Article : 316 words
  7. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 67 words
  8. BRITISH EXTRACTS, Down to August 21.

    LONDON, AUGUST 12.—Private letters have been received in town from Trieste, to as late a date as the 28th of July. The intelligence they contain is highly favourable to the Greeks, who are stated to have been completely succesful ...

    Article : 1,085 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,108 words
  10. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 128 words