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  2. Sitting Magistrate—J. T. Campbell, Esquire.

    Average Prices of Articles at the last Sydney Market:—Wheat, 8s. 8¾d. per bushel; maize, 3s. 3d. per ditto; barley, 4s. 0d. per ditto; potatoes, 9s. 6d. per cwt.; butter, 2s. 0d. per ...

    Article : 60 words

    Yesterday arrived the Australian Company's ship Greenock, Captain Miller. She sailed from Leith the 22d of November; Cape of Good Hope, the 4th March; and the Derwent, the 16th instant; ...

    Article : 241 words

    No event can transpire which is not of considerable importance to the Colony, and each must materially affect the interests of the Country, either in the promotion of its welfare, or in prolonging its ...

    Article : 2,629 words
  5. Parramatta Quarter Sessions.

    We bave been favoured with the following Answer of His Excellency the GOVERNOR to the Presentment of the last Parramatta Grand Jury: "Goveenment-housc, April 20,1826. ...

    Article : 137 words
  6. LIBEL.

    SUPREME COURT.—Dr. Halloran, v. E. S. Hall, Esq.—On Monday last His Honor Chief Justice STEPHEN came into Court at 11, with the Assessors (RICHARD JONES, and ALEXANDER ...

    Article : 980 words

    On Saturday last, the following criminals received sentence of death:—Matthew Brady, Patrick Bryant, James Goodwin, James M'Kenny, John Gregory, William Tilly, William Brown, and ...

    Article : 1,312 words

    We yesterday received files of the Van Diemen's Land Journals, whence we hasten to make be most valuab[?]e Selections:— SUPREME COURT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3,1826. ...

    Article : 814 words