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    Readers of the Parliamentary debates are sometimes puzzled with "the previous question," a mode of getting rid of an unpalatable subject not very ...

    Article : 288 words
  3. Supreme Court.

    George Cribb, was indicted for stealing sundry head of horned cattle, the property of James Peisley, at Parramatta. Mr. W. H. MOORE, conducted the prosecution; ...

    Article : 2,950 words

    Some time ago we publishad a letter from Captain SMYTH, the Commandant of Port Macquarie, pointing out the difficulties of entering the ...

    Article : 940 words
  5. Original Correspondence.

    SIR, I am afiaid you have misunderstood the purport of my last letter, as, in your observations upon it, you assume that the adoption of the measure I ...

    Article : 1,201 words
  6. FLAX.

    SIR, As every addition to the exportable produce of the Colony is an incalculable public benefit, I am happy to find, from a paragraph in your last number, ...

    Article : 711 words
  7. To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.

    SIR, Having yesterday, in the course of my peregrinations, step, for the first time since I have been in the Colony, into the Supreme Court, during the ...

    Article : 319 words
  8. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 1,914 words