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    On Tuesday hight the "Rondezvous," [?]rublic house, opposite the King's Wharf, had a narrow escape from,being buraed down. It appears that a candle had been ...

    Article : 464 words

    Sarah Diamond, not however of the first water, was charged with declining work of all kinds, and not in the politest manner; the previous day she was told ...

    Article : 986 words
  4. To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.

    SIR, I cannot sufficiently admire your con duct, in so repeatedly stauding forth as the stronuous advocate of the aborigines ...

    Article : 1,179 words
  5. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 118 words
  6. Family Notices

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    Family Notices : 90 words
  7. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 4,794 words