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    Before the three Judges suitng in Banco. Brown v. Forbes—Mr.,Foster, on the part of plaintiff, said, he would press for the judgment of the Court. The Chief Justice replied, that they ...

    Article : 1,287 words

    Eliza Strangeway, was charged with disobedience; prisoner bad a strange way of understanding orders, she voluntoorod to fetch the wood, but it was not acceded ...

    Article : 417 words
  4. To the Editors ofthe Sydney Gazette.

    GENTLEMEN, In last Wednesday's Monitor, Bishop Broughton is represented as having "acted a foolish, unamiablo, and very ...

    Article : 588 words
  5. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 64 words
  6. Family Notices

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    Family Notices : 114 words
  7. Classified Advertising

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    Advertising : 3,508 words

    Tho schooner Minerva passed a brig in Bass'Straits standing'to the westwatd, but could.not speak her. The Minerva brings wine, fruit, and beef. At the ...

    Article : 2,728 words