AUSTRALIA'S sons, let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; ...
Article : 220 wordsMY own dearest Mary, I must write again Though others may mock and call me a fool; I cannot keep silence, but I tell you quite plain, That I am a pupil in Cupid's high school. ...
Article : 271 wordsNow that the Queensland government is pushing up the railway to our northern border (the latest extension of which is now let to Stanthorpe, and will be open to traffic in the course ...
Article : 761 wordsON Friday evening last a special meeting of the Baptist Union was held in the Bathurst-street Church, for the purpose of considering the question of education. Owing to the fuct that ...
Article : 215 wordsA preliminary meeting was held at Noweast on Friday last with the object of forming a City Bank. The meeting was adjourned till Monday. ...
Article : 24 wordsThe manifesto lately issued by the committee of the Inverell and New England separation movement is worthy of more mature consideration than our politicians of the day are likely to ...
Article : 1,023 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 150 wordsTHE Rev. J. Jefferis, LL.B., delivered, on Tuesday, in the Pitt-street Congregational Church, before a very large andience, a lecutre on ''The Major and Minor Pastorals.'' Mr. ...
Article : 1,110 wordsA CORRESPONDENT sends the following telegram to the Melbourne Argus, dated Sandhurst, Wednesday:—The case of personation reported in a paragraph in to-day's Argus as having been ...
Article : 1,242 wordsTHE very latest cable messages from London indicate the probability of a war between Burmah and England. We give below the several telegrams on the matter despatched us from ...
Article : 464 wordsA speaker at a meeting held at Forbes to advocate railway extension, stated that farmers sending wheat from Forbes to Sydney had to pay five times as much freight as Californian farmer had to pay in sending ...
Article : 127 wordsTHE Bishop of Northern Queensland seems to be not only delighted, but entraced, with his new home. Either that, or the has fooled us to the top of our bent with malice aforethought—a ...
Article : 644 wordsLONG ago we protested that in celery there must be some special virtue, if we only knew what it was. Nothing is made in vain, and the powerful smell and extraordinary taste of celery were, we ...
Article : 309 wordsHARRISON, JONES, AND DEVLIN.—Fat Cattle: 1441 yarded for the week, being a fair supply. For Monday 800 were drawn for, and sales opened with briskness before a good attendance of town and country ...
Article : 562 words{No abstract available}
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