OUR columns are open to all writers who refrain from the use of virulent language or personalities, but we are not responsible for opinions expressed. ...
Article : 35 wordsSIR,—I perceive by an advertisement in your last issue, that the Lord Bishop of Grafton and Armidale intends visiting Armidale in June next, when there is to be a meeting of the clergy and laity, for the purpose of ...
Article : 1,177 wordsSIR,—I was much pleased by perusing a letter signed "AMBULATOR," published in your issue of May 10th. Letters of the kind referred to are like "Angels' visits," few and far between. The healthy moral tone, and current of truthful and sincere ...
Article : 1,167 wordsThe New England arrived from the Clarence River on Friday night and will sail again for that port, via Newcastle, on Monday night. The Ballian and Susannah Cuthbert, steamers, from ...
Article : 90 wordsPENRITH, TUESDAY, 4 P.M.—The Nepean is again rising fast; it rained all night and continued showery. The volunteers, consequent upon the inelement weather, could not proceed to the general review, but ...
Article : 367 wordsWE are in a position to state that the notorious Thunderbolt has been shot down at last, by constable Walker, formerly stationed at Grafton. It appears from the information that has reached us, which is very meagre, that Ward had stuck up and ...
Article : 616 wordsMr. JOHN CAMPRELL, of the Commercial, Wharf, Sydney, reports that maize is slightly lower, that cereal selling in Sydney, to-day (Thursday), at from 3s 6d to 3s 9d per bushel. ...
Article : 149 words{No abstract available}
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