New York, November 18.—News reached here from Baltimore to-day of the loss of the schooner Abraham Lincoln on the Liberian coast in the latter part of September, with a sacrifice of 30 ...
Article : 105 wordsNew York, November 18.—A San Francisco [?]tter quoted in the Boston TRAVELLER says: There has been a great falling off in the population of that city. The writer estimates the ...
Article : 150 wordsNew York, November. 18—Special despatches say that Bret Harte is seriously ill at Newstead Abbey, England. ...
Article : 21 wordsSt. Peter, Minn., November 18.—The official list of dead and missing is this morning furnished by the hospital officers. The list contains 29 names. It is thought all of them perished. ...
Article : 58 wordsNew York, November 13.—Bradstreet a Circular to-day, makes a close estimate of the production find consumption of wheat in the world, and places the net surplus at 27,000,000 bushels. ...
Article : 135 wordsIn the London Probate Registry is a will dated 1791, (says an American paper,) by which the testator le[?] 50dol a year to be spent on whiskey, to be given to a number of Irish people, not ...
Article : 134 wordsPanama; November 15.—A Lima correspondent says:—Commander Lynch continues raiding the defenceless northern towns and valleys of Peru. The damage is immense, the people ...
Article : 561 wordsARRIVAL OF THE MAIL—OFFICIAI NONCHALANCE, THE mail steamer City of Melbourne arrived here on Wednesday night, about 9 o'clock. It was a beautiful evening, with a good slice of ...
Article : 1,470 wordsTHE foundation-stone of the new Town H[?]ll for Petersham was laid by his Worship the Mayor (M[?] M'Mahon, Esq.), last Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a number of ladies and gentleman resident ...
Article : 788 wordsNew York, November 17.—A WORLD London[?] despatch says: I have just had a short interview with Forster, Chief Secretary for Ireland, who told me that Mr. Gladstone, Earl Cowper, and ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 25 Dec 1880, Page 7
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