WANT of want ia a serious drawback to settlement all over Australia, yet abundance of rain falls for every conceivable purpose. Were it stored there would be no searcity. For this purpose covered ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 562 wordsTHE object of the papors prepared for publication under the above heading is to provide, in a concise form, information constantly required by employers and employed especially in the country ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,804 wordsHAVING been considerably annoyed by the continual galling of horses' shoulders by the collar, a correspondent of tho LIVE STOCK JOURNAL took time to investigate the subject and supplies the annexed par ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 474 wordsFOR many years past American-made brooms have been in general use in the colonies. Colonial millet brooms, made after the Amerioan model, and usually sold under the name of Amerioan brooms, but in ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 4 Jun 1881, Page 21
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