There will not be a metropolitan racing fixture in this State to-morrow—the only gatherings arranged being at Murray Bridge, where the hunting ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 445 wordsFirst time round in the Port Phillip Hurdle Race at Williamstown last Saturday, the picture showing the hurdle in the straight where the Adelaide jump, Little Mervie was killed three seconds after the photograph was taken. In front are The Governor (which later fell). Batouch, the winner Joulni (in behind T Governor), and Heke (rising with Scourie), with Little Mervie on the extreme left. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 136 wordsWhen the South Australian competitor, Miss Myrle Ridgway, left Adelaide to take part in the finals of "Miss Australia" beauty competition, there were many of her supporters who ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 270 wordsAt Morphettville on Thursday morning on the tan track, which was good going, but not fast Kurrumpore did an even time mile, Antic ran three furlongs in ...
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The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Fri 2 Jul 1926, Page 3
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