P[?]rsuant to adjournment, the City Council [?]et yesterday at three o'clock, p.m., for the despatch of unfinished business. Present: The Mayor; Aldermen Clowes, ...
Article : 2,293 wordsWE have several times had occasion to refer to a new machine invented by a Mr. Berdan, and adapted to the crushing of quartz and other auriferous earths, and the separation of ...
Article : 1,204 wordsUpon the [?]op[?]nlug of the court, the jury-[?]at was called over, and every absented was f[?]ued in the man of £10. Several Jurymon who had been f[?]ued at the last sittings of the Court no[?] came in and purged themselves ...
Article : 1,352 wordsMr. Smyth moved for a rule to rescind rule of Court, herein for a new trial. Rule made absolute. THE QUEEN IN THE PROSECUTION OF MATTHEWS V. BROWN. ...
Article : 1,178 wordsELECTION OF AN ASSESSOR FOR FITZROY WARD.—The polling for the election of an Assessor FitzRoy Ward commenced at nine a.m., and closed at four p.m., yesterday, at Drewery's Family Hotel, ...
Article : 3,190 wordsSir,—I am astonished that so little notice has been taken of the splendid and unr[?]valled voyage of this now English c[?]p[?]er. Had she sported the stars and stripes instead of this union Jack, no end of glorification would ...
Article : 326 wordsSir,—I trust that the sentiments [?]o ably developed in your admirable article of yesterday, under the above title, will find an echo in the breast of every citizen who has at heart the true advan[?]ement, or, in other words, ...
Article : 297 wordsSir,—You were yesterday upon the subject of popular Mechanics' Institutions. I wish you would step across the way, and see the ancient date of our Revlows, and the [?]cant supply of ...
Article : 90 wordsDear Sir,—In surveying the land between Melbourne and St. Kilda, one sees a vas[?] quantity of low ground in a continual swamp, with large intervening sheets of s[?]agnant water lying there all the year round. The ...
Article : 142 wordsSir,—In reference to a paragraph Inserted in your valuable paper of yesterday, suggesting the advisability of private communication through the electric telegraph, I beg to say that I am prepared with an ...
Article : 194 wordsSir,—The vigilance exhibited by certain parties not representing the people, to earwig the new Governor Immediately on his arrival, of course for their own future, and not the people's benefit, should suggest to ...
Article : 595 wordsSir,—I perfectly recollect that about a year age a few well-tim[?] I remarks in your columns caused the instant burial, by those whose duty it is to attend to such matters, of an unfortunate cow, the [?]tech from whose ...
Article : 420 wordsSir,—A constant reader of your jou[?]nal: I can but rejoice in the interest you manifest in the development of the resources of Victoria. You have confined your attention to the "internal ...
Article : 144 wordsSir,—The Argus of Wednesday contains a notice to clerks in the Government service that they will have an especial holiday on the arr[?]val of Sir Charles [?]otham, our expected Governor, to welcome him to our shores. ...
Article : 115 wordsSir,—Having Just, read the letter of Mr. Wm. Kerr, Town Clerk, in which he indulges in fear l[?]st an impression should be produced on the minds of the inhabitants that the Census had not been correctly taken, ...
Article : 259 wordsSir,—The noble vocation of a public organ and the power it possesses in forwarding the general interest, together with your ably manifested dispostion for promoting the object in view, encourage me to hope, that ...
Article : 1,947 wordsSir,—With regard to Ma[?]ou[?]e Lodges joining in the pr[?]cession to welcome our new Governor, it would be a matter of great satisfaction to know whether Sir Charles Ho[?]mm is himself Freemason;—if so, that fact would ...
Article : 86 wordsWhat's [?] the [?], Argus? What's a the st[?]! [?] [?] the R[?], What tho' they was here? ...
Article : 139 wordsWe are in receipt of intelligence from [?] land to the 26th ultimo. REVEN[?]E AND EXPENDITURE—A Provincial [?] Gazette was issued yesterday evening, the entire [?] ...
Article : 1,118 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Fri 2 Jun 1854, Page 5
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