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  2. Shipping.

    August 18—Flora, as, 1,273 tons, H. J. Blanchard, from Melbourne. Passengers : Nurse Innes; Messrs W.G.Buck, N. White, C. A. Windus; and two steerage. ...

    Article : 1,027 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,991 words
  4. Railton Road Trust.

    The monthly meeting of the Railton Road Trait took ' place on Saturday. Present: Messrs M. T. Mahoney (chairman), J. Mahoney, W. J. Murfet, ...

    Article : 562 words
  5. The Page Trophy.

    Sir,—Having seen in the columns of your paper that the Wynyard football team intend going to Oatlands to try and bring the Page trophy north, let me ...

    Article : 218 words
  6. Latrobe Police Court.

    As the outcome of a street fight that occurred at Latrobe on sunday night, the [?]., a number of cases were heard at the Latrobe Police court on Saturday ...

    Article : 465 words
  7. The Dairying Industry.

    Sir—I must apologise to Mr Nichols for not replying sooner to his letter of the 1st inst. I wish to point out to Mr Nichols that I am not looking for a ...

    Article : 326 words
  8. Devon Hospital.

    Mrs A. Collett, the authorised collector for the above institution, has completed her canvas of Ulverstone and the surrounding; districts, and the subjoined list ...

    Article : 559 words

    This seems a detail at first sight, but the preparation of these is a factor which affects the pockets of trappers very considerably, and if ...

    Article : 590 words

    Occasionally even an editor is met by a query which he finds it either impossible or inconvenient to gain sufficient information to answer. A ...

    Article : 194 words

    Jane was a good servant, but she had a decided objection to grilling steak thoroughly. After sending to table an example more glaring than ...

    Article : 166 words
  12. WHICH ?

    Brown and Tompkins had dropped on, in a friendly way, to see their old friend Faulkner, and he, being a man of hospitable inclination, ...

    Article : 117 words
  13. A Boer Opinion

    Mr de Waal, the Boer sheep buyer from the Orange River colony, who has paid a flying visit to Tasmania, left the coat by the steamer Flora on Saturday. He was ...

    Article : 699 words
  14. The Labor Party.

    Sir,—Friend "Platypus" is endowed with a very peculiar memory or else he is in adept at deliberate misrepresentation. I have explained several times that ...

    Article : 112 words
  15. Senator Keating,

    The Senate has done nothing this session either to distinguish or disgrace itself. It works steadily onward, and reminds one by its attitude of the circular ...

    Article : 588 words