ON the afternoon of April 10, at half-past two o'clock, a number of gentlemen met in the saloon of the Lady Young steamer, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Captain ...
Article : 766 wordsSHORTLY before 2 o'clock on the morning of March l8, a fire broke out on the premises occupied by Mr. Turner, and known as the Travellers' Rest Hotel, in South Brisbano It ...
Article : 1,887 wordsOUR small community was thrown into a state of considciable excitement yesterday afternoon by the intelligence brought in by a man named John Houghton, that he had been ...
Article : 1,234 wordsTHE following letters have been received by us, and wo trust that the appeals contained in them to the colonists of Queensland for assistance, will meet with that cordial response which ...
Article : 1,375 wordsNOT within the memory of that mythical personage, the oldest inhabitant, has there been such an opportunity for Queenslanders to indulge their propensities for travel as at the ...
Article : 2,074 wordsTHE following interesting article is taken from the Queensland Times of March 30:- We paid a visit to Yamahante, Mr. Challinor's cotton plantation, about a fortnight ago, but, ...
Article : 920 wordsA banquet, in commemoration of the national saint of Ireland was held in tho sohool-room attached to St. Mary's Church, Ipswich, on March 17. There was a large attendance, ...
Article : 1,928 wordsTHE following letters woro addressed to us a few days ago on the above very interesting subject:- Perhaps there are few objects of ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Mon 17 Apr 1865, Page 4
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