In the midst of the agonies of a world [?]nt bY social and economic conflict, the Tictorian Cricket Association has excommunicated Collingwood. "Oriel" ...
Article : 1,280 wordsAt the beginning of the present century there lived in Chile Mr. C. H. Prodgers. There he had established a training stable, and was training horses for ...
Article : 1,480 wordsLONDON, Oct. 26.—The summer of 1933 has been the warmest in living memory. There have been worst "droughts," such as that of 1929, and ...
Article : 1,378 wordsThe dangers that beset sailing ships approaching the western entrance to Bass Straits in thick weather, which precludes the taking of observations, are sufficient ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 25 Nov 1933, Page 9
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