A FIRST offender was charged with being drunk in Prince-street day previous, and was fined 5s. Pat[?]ck Corbett was charged with being drunk in Skinner-street, South Grafton, and was fined 10s ...
Article : 271 wordsSIR.—The office of Nuisance Inspector is doubtless a very useful one, for by notifying the existence of a nuisance against health or counfort to such officer, he on our behalf causes its suppression without ...
Article : 599 wordsSIR.—This Society having launched into its second year of existence, it is now entitled to be classed among the established institutions of the district Those who have watohed the doings of this Union ...
Article : 293 wordsM. TISSANDIER 'suggests that heat should be brought from the depths of the earth and utilised. "Is there anything impossible," he asks, "in the idea of sending into the bowels of the earth water ...
Article : 510 wordsON Monday evening a farewell tea meeting and concert was tendered to Mr. John I. Smith, prior to his departure from this city for Sydney. The entertainment was provided by the members of the ...
Article : 1,714 wordsON Tuesday evening last a public meeting was held in the Wesleyan church in connection with the Sustentation and Extension Society. There was an attendance of about 40 persons. After the meeting ...
Article : 1,374 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 258 wordsThe total revenue, of the Victorian Lands Department for the year 1885 was £630,449. The Glenariff run, in the Bourke district, lost 58.000 sheep by the drought alone during the years ...
Article : 1,213 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 402 wordsIN the last report on cereals presented to the United States Department of Agriculture, the following remarks in reference to wheat no doubt apply with equal force to ...
Article : 475 wordsAs the shipment of live and dead meat from this district to the metropolis has now reached to an important branch of trade, it is time a system involving less risk, and one that would ...
Article : 728 wordsTHE latest novelty in ploughs is at present being used in Spain. It works the land to a depth of 30 inches, and turns a furrow two feet wide. It is drawn by two 16-horse ...
Article : 190 wordsMANY of our readers are becoming more than ever convinced that in the Cleveland Bay they have found the perfection of the general purpose horse. Mr. Stericker, whose, letter ...
Article : 754 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 278 wordsTHE following good advice is giv[?]n by Dr. Benjamin Ward Richard[?]on:—The rules for the prevention of senile disea[?]e are all personal. They should begin in youth. It should be a rule among ...
Article : 667 wordsTHE following sound reasoning we find in the American Agriculturist It would be a benefit to both fathers and their sons if its precepts were more often regarded. ...
Article : 457 wordsA LADY writer in one of our exchanges furnishes some of the reasons why Eve did not keep a girl. She says:- "There has been a good deal said about the ...
Article : 332 wordsTHE manufacturer who hopes to hold his own in the fierce competition which characterizes modern industry must of necessity keep a sharp look-out for valuable improvements in machinery, and must ...
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